Should I be worried?

I didn't feel anything till past 22 weeks wth any of mine, hopign for earlier this time round

hope you get some big movements soon Mamafy
The last few days baby is moving every day :yay::love:
thats great news lovely!!!! bet thats so nice for you xx
mines little pokes but lots of them think it must be because he/she is behind the placenta def feel more tho
I'm feeling little pokes and the odd squirm :love:
Yay for feeling movement! :D

OH felt baby move for the first time yesterday, there's definitely a good old rave going on in there sometimes!
i think i have felt one flutter but not much else but this is my first so im not worrying to much x
Hi I only started to feel the baby when I was about 18 weeks and it was very slight flutters, now I do feel this more regulary however on Fri and Sat I felt hardly anything was starting to panic a bit but last night when I went to bed it was like Rooney was in my stomach!! Think its the way they are positioned sometimes!!
i think i have felt one flutter but not much else but this is my first so im not worrying to much x

I didn't feel anything properly until 20+5, I may have felt something beforehand but it was only until 20 weeks that I actually knew I was feeling baby :)
Hey hun...dont worry i was the same when i was at that number of weeks....i started getting proper movement at 21 weeks and now i get a few kicks here and there...nothing regular and its my second. So dont worry theyl become regular soon! enjoy :) xx
I first felt it around 13 weeks, but only just now (19)am i getting everyday movements, and they are still easy to miss
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I will feel flutters for a few days and even a little more than a flutter and then nothing for a good few days. I guess it depends if i am sitting at the desk all day i will feel it, but if i am on the go on my feet, probably rushing around, i don't notice it.
I'm the same as County Bumpkin. Have had a couple of days of lots of flutters and then days in between with much less - just a few that would be easy to miss.

I can't wait for the real kicks!
I didn't feel anything till about 19 weeks and then I wasn't sure if it was trapped wind. Then I got a bit of movement once, maybe twice a week. I didn't get daily movements till about week 23/24. Now in week 26 I get kicked lots. I am sure you don't need to worry just yet. If you are worried call your midwife. I am sure all is ok.

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