Should he be going to bed earlier?


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2010
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My little boy, Jake, is 6 weeks old and is generally a good little sleeper and normally only wakes once in the night for a feed. Our normal routine is that he sleeps whenever he wants during the day (normally he is awake all morning and sleeps for 3-4 hours in the afternoon). I start to get him ready for bed by bathing him and giving him a feed starting at about 8.30pm and we normally put him in his crib in our room awake at about 9.30pm. He gets himself off to sleep by about 10.00pm.
He'll normally wake for a feed between 3am and 4am but has been known to sleep until 5am, and will go back to sleep again for about 3 hours and will then wake again for a further feed.
I have beein noticing that he is falling asleep on my lap at about 8pm most evenings but we try to keep him awake so as not to upset his routine, but now I'm thinking should I start his bath and last feed off at about 7pm so as to get him into bed by 8ish? I have been bringing his bedtime forward by about 15 minutes a week in the hope that in a couple of months he's in bed by 7pm ish.
Any suggestions and advice will be gratefully received.
Thank you
If he's getting tired earlier then i doubt it'll do any harm trying to get him to bed a bit earlier? just try and see how it goes that's what i done with Tegan gradually moved bedtime forward since about 5 months she's been a bed by 7.30pm xx
lucy was the same at about that age. it was my mum that said we should get her into a routine (as i wouldnt let her sleepupstairs without me etc). we got into the way of bath at 1830, bottle then bed. it took a while to get it right as i was on demand feeding but we got there in the end and we have a really good routine and she is generally in bed asleep by 1930 -2000. i would try it and see how u get on. baby is still quite young but is good to start a routine early xx
you may find that jake may wake up more often for a feed so maybe you could try a dreamfeed before you go to bed? it didnt work for me as lucy just wouldnt take the bottle asleep but it works wonders for some, good luck and let us know how you get on xxx
amelia did this and i just put her to b earlier and she never needed any extra feeds she just went to the normal time around 4am then she dropped that feed off herself
Matthew was also the same about that age! I just started bring his bedtime forward by 30 mins each week! His bedtime routine starts at 7 and he is always in bed by 8, most of the time he is asleep by 7.30! Lol!
Good luck with whatever you decide hun!

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