Shooting pain in my privates?


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2011
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For the past two days I've felt a shooting pain in my girly bits, (TMI but the pain feels like it's where my vagina's entrance is). It happens once every few hours. I just had a bad case of the pains though because I held my pee in whilst I was making OH some food and when I released my wee on the toilet, this shooting pain started and it was pretty intense, it's stopped now though but it was happening every few minutes. Any other time it just happens once and doesn't happen again for a while.

I've read that it's ligament stretching but.. in my privates? :confused:
Mum said it must be my cervix.

I can only describe it as a definite shooting pain, just one, almost like those first pains you get before you know you're going to start a period soon. But of course I haven't had any periods or bleeding throughout my pregnancy so far, but perhaps I'm due a period around about now?

Any ideas much appreciated, I'm pretty worried.
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From what you've said it sounds like cervical pains hun :) xx
Thanks hun, that's what mum suggested it was. Should I be worried? xxx
No, shouldn't think so :) Just bring it up with your midwife if you're not too sure xx
Does it feel like someone sticking a knitting needle up you? Cos if it is that's normal. My mum told me it was one of the worse bits of pregnancy!

Hey girls,
Yeah I would describe it as a needle, whoever's doing it better stop! :p
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Does it feel like someone sticking a knitting needle up you? Cos if it is that's normal. My mum told me it was one of the worse bits of pregnancy!

Hmm, I've had that too. Stabby. :whistle: Didn't think much about it as it only happened a few times.
Yep ive been getting it the past month or so, midwife said its where baby's head is going down and engaging but maybe not for you at this stage
It might be a uti infection, tel ur midwife at ur nxt apointment or phone her if pain gets worse, they can b pretty serious if not treated in pregnancy. Ive had me fair share of em lol, they can b treated wiv anti biotics n found by urine sample. If thats clear might just b pelvis stretching, im havin sharp braxton hicks in my pelvis now n sometimes cant move or i hav to walk on ma tiptoes lol. The joy, this wednesday it all be over :) yay! Lol
:D I keep getting them every so often.
Yesterday I got it whilst I was running across the road :confused:
Have just had some now as well, feels like pressure but only lasts a second so I think it's all my bits stretching :lol: xxx
I had a similar thing last week. Only lasted a few days. I wondered if it could be ligaments relaxing at sympasis pubis joint and causing a few niggles?
I get this alot be interesting to find out what it is.. I worry coz its the same kinda feeling I had when my waters broke with Ellie!!
Haven't experienced this for 2 days now :)
I've been lazing around though so perhaps being active and exercise has something to do with it?
Especially since I got it from running across the road the other day xxx
I've been shopping for school uniform today n while Ive been home relaxing I've had it :(
Hm can't be that then.
I got one earlier when I was pushing a big box into the living room. xxx
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Strange.. Could just be stretching or baby sitting on a nerve?

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