Shooting pain in foof.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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For the past few days, almost a week now actually, I've been getting random sharp, shooting pains right up my foof. It literally feels like someone is shoving something up there.
Sometimes its so painful that it stops me in my tracks, sometimes it only makes me wince, but it happens a few times a day.
I don't see the midwife til next week so was hoping one of you lovely ladies could shed some light on what could be causing this pain?? X
I have had this twice in the last week hun and I don't know what it is?! I have a consultants appointment tomorrow so I will ask. Hopefully one of the ladies know what it is!

30 days to go (ish!) xx
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I have had this too however not as far gone as u girlies ..
And i am none the wiser either.
Oh yes lightning crutch! No idea what it is or why it exists but I have it frequently!
Lol glad to know its normal and I'm not the only one getting it, but would love to know what's causing it.

Karatekid - omg!!! Its so soon!!! Lol x
Welll i have docs appointment today i might mention it along with my list of other things lol just dont fancy any open leg examinations lol x
Oh jayjay I'm the same!!!! Weird... Only noticed it maybe the past week, had it a couple of times then not again. Then on Saturday I got it walking round asda, and yesterday afternoon I had it. It's like a needle like stabbing pain right up the middle of my foof.
I just assumed it was something to do with the baby's head maybe putting some pressure on something. As when iv had it it's usually been accompanied by some mild period pain :( xxx
I started to have it as soon as baby went head down & my SIL actually asked if I'm having 'fanny daggers' yet as they indicate he's head down & starting to engage. Had this confirmed by MW! The other reason I have daggers down there is from spd! Xx
I started to have it as soon as baby went head down & my SIL actually asked if I'm having 'fanny daggers' yet as they indicate he's head down & starting to engage. Had this confirmed by MW! The other reason I have daggers down there is from spd! Xx

I had actually read that but didn't wana get my hopes up lol. And lol @ fanny daggers! X
I have this too, started when the baby got head down, surely it's too early for me to engage already though????
It probably has to do with the pressure that bubs put on a nerve that goes all the way to our foofoo...
My baby was head down at my 30wk scan but I didn't have these pains til more recently so with me its not to do with her head being down.

Someone told me it was head engaging and cervix thinning, which sounds plausible I guess x
Someone told me it was head engaging and cervix thinning, which sounds plausible I guess x

MW told me its likely to be the cervix 'ripening' (lovely phase) The muscles in the lower part of your cervix pull back and I understand its that process that causes the pain. Apparently we can sometimes dilate to 3cm weeks before LO arrives.

Nowhere near as far along as you guys but I have that sometimes, I asked my mw and she said its when the baby's lying really low down and it puts pressure on the cervix and bottom of the uterus.
So not looking forward to more if that's what goes on when the head engages and there's more weight pushing down!
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I asked my MW the same thing today and she just said it was baby lying very low. They think I may have the start of SPD too but to monitor it. ooooh, this is fun. Not. Baby kicks from the other side of foof is not a nice feeling :) yucky!!! x
In second plus pregnancies head can engage at anytime , sometimes bouncing in and out while your walking , It does make you walk funny lol, Even in a first pregnancy it's possible for head to engage and then pop back up, like baby's just checking the exit . xx
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