Sharp pain in hip/bum/thigh area


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2008
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For the last few weeks I've been getting this bad stabbing pain deep inside my left buttock, like someone twisting a knife into my bones or something is best way I can describe it :?

If I've been walking a while it suddenly starts up. Sitting down after walking is so so painful, had to ease myself into the car like an old woman today as it was so bad.

It's also woken me up a few times during the night.

Is this likely to be linked to my pregnancy? I've been reading about this SPD thing some folk get but is that not much later in pregnancy and more of a central pain near your pubic bone?

Sarah x
Gosh !! Im not sure what it could be but it sounds bleeding horrible hun !! Hope someone on here can help because im going to be a bit useless with this one :S
Aw thanks hun, it's not a constant thing so it is bearable but just so so sharp and sore when it does come on. Walking definitely seems to be the main thing to cause it to flare up.
If the pain sometimes shoots down from your bum to your thigh it could be sciatic nerve pain. I had this with Lucy and was told basically its down to the way the baby is laying in your tummy and that sometimes it puts pressure on the nerve.

Lucy did move and it was better but sometimes it was so bad I could barely move. Hope that's all it is for you (nothing serious)!
Ooh that sounds very like it Becky, it's a sharp stabbing pain in my bum that shoots down my thigh and around my lower back. When we've found babies heartbeat on the doppler it's to that side of my belly too so wonder if that's the culprit. Didn't think things were big enough to cause any problems like this yet :think:

I don't want to worry you but that's how my SPD started off at about 17 weeks, however I would be doubled over if I went to stand on one leg to put pants on etc and you don't sound like you have had this too, everyone is different, I recommend that you speak to your midwife at your next appointment as there are ways of easing the pain with physio and hopefully preventing it from becoming more painful. It could possibly be a growth spurt too as your body produces more relaxin causing your joints to relax too much and become sore at certain times.

I would avoid long walks for now, climbing the stairs more than you have to, avoid standing on one leg to put jeans/knickers etc on (sit down and pull pants up before standing up. Also bring both legs together when getting in and out of bed/car as spreading em exerberates it until you speak to mid wifey. Maybe take it easy on any rodeo style yee haw how's your father for a week too, just to see if it makes a difference..... :rotfl:

Regarding your sleep, have you got a maternity pillow yet? I bought a dream genii pillow on amazon and I swear to god I have been able to sleep like a baby for the past week (even with LO kicking me all night!)!

They are pricey at £40 but a life saver if you are waking up with hip/pelvic/ligamint pain in the night as they keep you on your left side for buba, support you on the right side, and have a bit that goes between your knees and offers support to your hips and spine.

I hope you feel better soon.

C xxx
Thanks for the advice Cleo, and :rotfl: at giving the rodeo style a miss for a while!!! Will make sure I mention it at next appointment, wish I had done on Tuesday but really didn't think about it being baby related at the time :?

Those maternity pillows sound great, I'm off to search for one now. These last couple of nights haven't been very comfy so any suggestion that might help is worth a try!

Thanks hun,

Sarah x
I had that at about 11-12 weeks and BOY did it hurt!! It passed after a week or so though and I haven't had it since (touch wood).

I hope you feel better soon, it does sound very painful!! :hug:

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