Sh*t im bleeding!

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Night Night x x
Get to bed sleepy head x x
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Glad you got some reassurance, hope when you wake up this morning you have stopped bleeding and can start enjoying it all.

Fab news! As Frankie says, hope the bleeding stops and you can start relaxing and enjoying your pregnancy!

SPC xx
Hey hon, how u doing this morning - so pleased to see all those positives on here!!! xxxx
Wilma, those second bacth of tests you put on here are much stronger and easier to see - Def a BFP !!!!
Hope your bleeding has settled down X
Hi ladies sorry for late reply.....brunch with the inlaws turned into a long day....threw up the contents over three vomitting sessions (prob just me worrying tho) but had nice day and took my mind of spotting!

So far had no spotting today...still got this weird stictch type sensation on left side but no pain as such....just I know its there!

Feeling a bit more settled after more positives last night but not testing again till see or at least speak to Drs or nurse on tues....or should I ask to speak to a midwife?? God its been a long time! lol

But thank you ALL for all your supportive message and concern you are all lovely and I really would be in the corner rocking if I wasnt able to come and twist to you thank you all so much.....

Julia xxx
So glad it seems to be settling down for you. If it was me I think I would want to see the doctor first, but having never been in our situation I'm not sure.
Thanks Frankie......hope it stays this way :)

Hmmmm yeah....she told me once I gound out I was pregnant she wanted to see me within that week as I take a lot medication which treats Multiple Sclerosis and might not be suitable so I will def see her at some point this coming week!
Will do RM.....still got this cramping/twinging thing going on on the lower left side byt wondered if implantation happens on one side and could maybe be that?

Feeling bit less stressed as what will be will be.....
Did EC x 2 today with what I can only say look negative...not an incling of a this morning and one just now..... will just go with the flo xxxx
just caught up with this, ive been working all weekend so havent had a chance to pop on.

sorry i wasnt around.

hope everythings ok and i can defo see lines!!

keep us posted. thinking of you x
Thanks last post ive just looked at the EC I just did and a faint pink line has appeared just within the ten min time limit so Im hopeful again.....Hope your ok too I am so pleased I have all you lovely ladies to go through this all with....xxxx
aw hun try to stay calm (easier said than done) I hope all is well and make sure u keep us posted x
Thanks Kellylou.....I am def a bit calmer evertime I go to loo and theres no spotting...just hope it stays away and I get to see Dr or Nurse on tues for confirmation....but tbh Im kinda positive Im pregnant....just scared to believe it I think.....will def keep you all posted too xxxxx
only just read this hun, i hope everything is ok.
got everything crossed for tomorrow xxxx
Thanks MPUK.....I hope so too...Im going crazy wondering am I arnt I.....nightmare....grrrrrrrrrrrrr xxx
Hi Mamfy so far so good no spotting at all today thank god....

Im peeing uber amounts....
Had to run to bathroom as soon as I set foot on floor this morning gagging and had couple of pangs of nausia today so all looking good I think....still had lots of pulling/pressure sensation in lower left side today so hopefully thats also a good thing!

Did a FR test today and got a BFN....did another Asda and got another positive but very very faint and it eventually went really faded but you can still see it when you move it around...but was def pink when I took pic of it so Im still rather hopefull!

And all that accompianied with AF being 7 days late tomorrow tells me to try and chill out....Im not having all these symptoms etc for nothing!

You know how it is tho lol roll on tomorrow so i can hopefully have it confirmed xxx
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