Sex... :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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As most of you know I was told not to have sex til 37w (prem risk) so needless to say we celebrated being full term the best way we could..! ;)

It hurt like hell!!! :cry:
It was so uncomfortable during I was so glad he was quite quick (it's been months!!) but after was 100x worse!! I actually had to fight back the tears!! It was like a really bad uti!! (don't know why all my pains feel like a uti lol) it was so low down and under my bump constant for about an hour til i fell asleep and every now and then a big rush of the pain would hit harder and bring a tear to my eye :( it doesn't hurt now but it was dreadful and defo couldn't be normal?!

What the bloody hell was it?? I'm scared of having sex again (as if the unexpected pregnancy hadn't put me off anyway lol) and we may as well do it as much as we can before the baby is here and 1, too tired 2, recovery for at least 6weeks 3, contraception problems!!

Has anyone got any clue what this was?? It didn't hurt when I peed after (as u do..) but it felt like it should have been like pissing razor blades!!!
get checked out for thrush as this sounds similair to how i felt when i had it. I had no outwardly symptoms until i had sex and that hurt like hell. Hope it gets better hun xx
I would ring mw like nik said may be thrush or something. I am still too scared to dtd poor OH

Thing is I've had a pessary for thrush already.. Surely it can't come back that quick can it???
it can if there was still some infection on the outside hun. Double check with MW xx
oh hun !! would get checked out just in case the thrush hadnt cleared up properly !!! would love to dtd bout oh is put off by all my leaking bits !!!! lol hope u get some answers xxxxx:hugs::hugs:
Grrrrrr!!!!! I'm gonna b well annoyed if I've still got it!! Got mw app on wed nxt week is that too late to leave it? Half term n don't fancy taking the kids!
Could you not get some over counter stuff for meantime until you see mw. Or ring and just ask her advice? Thats what i did and she said to get canestan duo as that clears up external and internal xx
what bout explaining symptoms to pharmacist ? would have to pay for another pessary or cream that way but at least u might get it sorted bit quicker !! xxxxxxxx
Oh hun, am sorry it wasn't really the best given the long wait! Not sure y it hurt so much but I would agree that it's worth at least talking to someone professional to see what they think! Hope it's better next time (whenever u decide to go back there) xx
yeah it can come back that quick. When I last had sex it was similar not as bad but similar, very uncomfortable, a bit painful like I was swollen ....and thinking about it, I am swollen, all the blood is in that area swelling things up so for me it was ok it wasnt too bad but I wasnt about to try again thats for sure.

Like others have said call MW xxx
I had this when we tried. My body just seems to not want sex at all. I have just given up which is prob a good thing anyway due to my low placenta x
I wouldn't want to get one from pharmacy without being sure I need it..
I don't have a mw number :shock: just hit n miss if she's at the gp office and i don't know if she even accepts calls that way??
I'll have to look for some kind of number in my notes..

:wall: so annoying!!!

I'm fine now though, surely if it was thrush it would be constant??
No i only realised i had it when i had sex, didnt have any other symptoms hun. xx
pharmasist might be able to advice u ? thursh mainly make u uncomfortable down there !! which we r at this stage anyway !!!! would probably only cause pain like that when u dtd !!! most mw would b able to advice u if u cant get hold of your mw xxx
Thanks ladies I'll try giving a mw of some sort a call today.. Rather have that convo with a mw than a pharmacist lol!!
Thats true !!! think i would too but then if i had to wait a week to c mw i might b tempted to talk to one xxx
I had the exact same thing happen to me, and it only happens when me and OH havent done it for ages, maybe that could be it? Still best to check tho just in case xx
Similar thing happened to me 2 days ago. We've been basically carrying on as normal, because of the 6 weeks going w/out after birth & also we hardly ever go anymore than a week w/out & I still feel bad for OH that thats not enough!! I could never go w/out for months!!


But yeah last time it was really sore at the time, OH said he felt like something in there was poking him :shock: loooool But was really sore after & next morning, ok now right enough!

Think thats us now, he'll just need to wait the 6 weeks.

Lol the longest I've left it was 3/4 weeks and thats when it got sore. Also, I've found using lube helps lol sorry if TMI but its true :p xx

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