Sex... :(

I had lost 2 stone before got pregnant so had lost my boobs much to oh disgust so he was chuffed they came back !!! not gone quite as big as i did with the boys but then i was smaller all over this time round !!! weighed myself the other day think ive put on 2 stone this pregnancy so not too bad !! xxxxx
I've put on about 3 stone..
I loved my curvy after baby figure after the girls.. A tasty size 12 :) but dropped to a size 8 with hardly any curves.. It's so hard to adjust to our ever changing bodies! Hate my big legs atm :(
I had dropped to a 14 from 18 !! I've always had big legs and hips even when I weighed 9 stone !! Would like to get to a size 12 think that's perfect still have curves !! Will b nice to put on a pair of jeans I have to do up instead of pull on !! But will miss my little cup and book resting place !! Although does get annoying when your book keeps moving !! Lol your photos on fb r gorgeous though Hun have curves in those ones xxx

I am here:,-1.568950
Thanks babe :D must admit I do love resting my tea on my bump!
At the moment I only have one pair of maternity jeans that fit me so it will be nice to be able to wear other things after baby is born but I'm actually enjoying my pregnant body now!! Gonna miss it!!
Apart from the whole sock problem lol and shaving :shock: :lol:
Oh socks how I miss u !!! Lol tried to do a tidy up job last night ready for tomorrow wasn't all that successful !! Oh well few days and I will b able too !! Actually I feel like I have a half decent bump now will post my last pic later !! Still not as neat as yours and some of the others though ! Seems to b solid above my belly button the bit wobble below it !! But that's probably 2 kids and my yogo weight !! Xxx

I am here:,-1.569967
Yay bump pic :cheer: my bump is always solid at the top and squishy at the bottom :) I'd hate it the other way round for sitting!!

No sex for me last night :( OH had a v stressful day at work and didn't get home til 9:15 :( by the time we watched half of don't tell the bride he was fast asleep :( how bout u hun?xx
Oh was on nights so none for me either !! Going to try to seduce him tonight it's our last chance !!! Depends if I can keep the monsters occupied enough to keep them quiet!! So he gets some sleep !! Xxx
Well make sure u have the most relaxed evening with ur oh and some luvvin ;) so excited for u!! Hopefully you'll be a quick one!!
Thanks hun hoping it won't take too long !! Will keep u posted !! Xxx
Make sure u do!! Lol!!
So excited for u :cheer: I can't imagine how it feels to know that tomorrow your gonna meet your LO!!
What Time is it all kicking off??xx
Make sure u do!! Lol!!
So excited for u :cheer: I can't imagine how it feels to know that tomorrow your gonna meet your LO!!
What Time is it all kicking off??xx
Got to b there for 8am will go on the ctg and they will do all the checks then do an internal at some point to c if they can just break my waters or if i have to have the gel. If they can do waters they will have to check how things are on the labour ward before they do it !!

did have a little panic earlier but think im ok now !! just hope i get a little bit of sleep !! feels so real all of a sudden !! :shock: I will b a mummy of 3 by the end of the weekend !!! xxx
How exciting!!! :cheer: would be handy if they could just break ur waters and it all kicks off!! Praying your induction goes quickly for u!

Make sure u eat well and try ur best to sleep well tonight (after luvvin ;)! )
Can't wait to find out what ur having!! :cheer:
Mmmm bacon sandwich is a great choice!!!
Good luck babe will be thinking of u all day!!

So exciting!!!!! :cheer:

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