Sex - I know its silly but i'm scared...........

Me and my oh didn't dtd until I was around 16 weeks :shock: and we didn't do it during our 2ww either so around 14 weeks in total of just hand jobs or him. I wasn't in the mood as I was scared due to my previous mmc, and with hyperemesis I was just too ill. We haven't done it since either, my sex drive is pretty much gone plus I still get nauseous most days so don't feel well enough.

U just have to do what best for u and ur oh xx
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we're waiting until after the scan which is next wednesday cos we had a miscarriage last year and I don't want to risk it like all the other ladies in here!

I say just go with your instincts, like Kanga said. We didn't dtd until after 12 weeks, although we tried, it just didn't work. Since then it's been sporadic, but each time it's been great because it felt like the right time for me. Sorry, TMI. Just wait until it happens naturally, whenever that will be, and hopefully your OH will be patient with you meanwhile. x
thanks girls, I have told him I would like to wait until the 12th week and he actually agrees! says he wants to help as much as he can to make sure our bubba makes it.

told him he has my permission to watch porn for the next 7 weeks ! haha
We went 4 weeks without dtd, which is unheard of for us as we're both very *ahem* excitable lol.

But I had almost a week at 10weeks where I felt better so we got some in then, and we've been keeping it at about once or twice a week now. X

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Last night (after I had posted on here) I got some spotting which lasted until this morning.

Last night I was completely freaking out - but I have since read that this is quite normal?

I have an appointment with the doctor this afternoon - I am hoping she will just tell me it is normal. But I have taken the day off work just in case - probably I am overreacting to something normal but until the doctor tells me that I am being careful and resting.

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