I am being silly but..


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2006
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This might sound silly but past few days I have developed a weird paranoia that I am gonna lose my baby.

I had a scan at 8 weeks and 2 days and the bean was normal in growth and had a strong heartbeat.

But lately I have had mild tummy pains like period pains, similar to those you get when you need a poo. I have suffered alot from constipation so it might be wind etc.

I have also been suffering from bad gooey discharge with my doc thinks is thrush sorry if TMI!

I think this is nerves as I am coming up to my 12 week scan and I keep reading about ladies who had found no heartbeat etc and its very scary!

I am very moody lately too and boobs hurt like crazy so with all these aches and pains and temper tandrums I think I am just having a silly moment.

sorry to go on just needed to get it off my chest! :(
i got period pains for ages still kind of get them now, i think it is normal to worry about the baby though I had a scan at 10 and saw the little tiddler and then at 12 it was moving around but i kept saying but i can't see a heart beat - quite how i expected it to be moving without a heartbeat i don't know!! so i think you are just normal - i am now worried about the 20 week and it s ages to go! I feel like there is nothing there again!!
I understand those worries!

I felt really grotty with nausea for a few weeks and woke up on Sunday and Monday and was really healthy all day- still felt ok yesterday so started to panic that something bad had happened even though boobs etc were still sore.

Sickness came back today though but not so drastic so that put my mind at rest :?
I'm a bit like this too.

I have read about so many of my cyber friends losing their babies through missed miscarriages (turn up for scan, and no heartbeat) that it is really hard not to think the worst most of the time.

I am actually feeling a bit sick at the moment, so I know that I am probably ok.

I know that it is still 7 weeks till I will get a scan and that just seems like a lifetime away. But, I am trying to stay positive.

If your babe was fine 2 weeks ago, then all should still be well. There is really no reason to doubt it at all.

:hug: for you and everyone feeling like this. Try to enjoy your pregnancy. I am trying to. I know this will be my last, so going to try to savour every moment.

Heather x
I had and still have those pains quite severe though where they can bring tears.

I called NHS direct on Mon and was told to go to A&E.

Got checked over by doc and had scan and all was ok with baby but think that it could be a case of SPD beginning :(
I don't think youre being silly, I feel worried too.

Remember that the odds are in your favour, try and keep positive and take each day as it comes.

You're not being silly at all, I think we all worry about things like this, I definitely do! Its probably the hormones making us irrational lol! :hug: :hug:
awww hun everyone worries its normal :hug: just remember we are all here to support you through your worries and worry along with you :hug: :hug: :hug: xxx
I'm no expert (this is my first) but from what I can tell, worrying is a natural part of being pregnant!
Now that I'm past the scary 12 week mark, I now worry about the health of my baby/the delivery/oh no he hasn't moved for a few hours etc etc.
If I can just hold him in my arms...........and then the lifetime of worry can begin!! :lol:

Try to take it easy and chill out hun (easier said then done I know!) You've seen you babies heart beat which is a really good sign that all is well :hug:
think we are all worried hun so your not on your own :hug: :hug:

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