September 2017 mummies

Thanks ladies!
My morning sickness has came back (but usually only happens until 4am or so) i woke up at 2:30 am, ans felt quite sick when to the loo and when I wiped (tmi) i accidently touched the wet but of tissue (pprogesterone leakage) and normally it wouldn't have bothered me but nope I had my head over the loo heaving but nothing was coming up. Felt much better afterwards though. Strange! X
So much good luck today PB, everything is crossed for you!!!

Ladies, is anyone else struggling to sleep? Between kids, cats and frankly disturbing dreams I'm awake between 6 and 15 times a night. If I go to bed earlier, I wake up more so it's a vicious cycle. I'm so exhausted all the time, and the dreams are freaky as hades. Heeeeeeeeelp!!!!

All fingers crossed for you PeanuButter, thinking of you this morning xx Looking forward to some lovely news xx
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Wasn't able to get online to check in with you all last night, hope everyone is doing good x
I was struggling kumbar, but last night it caught up on me and I practically passed out when my head hit the pillow till this morning! Feel better for it mind :)

Would anyone know if I can request early scans given my history? Last time I paid privately but when I started to mc the sonographer said I should have been able to get an early scan through the NHS given my history, not sure of this is usual practice?
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I think it's any more than 3 losses should get you an early scan, but it could be that they have to be within a certain time frame

Yeah I'm not sure either, my last appointment with the consultant was 21 December, but all my blood tests came back clear so they've taken further blood tests, but if they're clear I'll be discharged. I do have to go back to my gp for my metformin so I'll speak to them.
Bumble, you need to ring your local epu. Tell them you've had recurrent miscarriages and how many weeks you are now and you need a viability scan x
I didn't know you could do this, the doctor never mentioned it to me at all. I just booked a private scan yesterday for when I'll be 8 weeks as its the earliest they do. Had a bit of low left side pain the last few days, not pain as such I suppose more like a dull niggle, it comes and goes and feels like ovulation pain. Was scared to google but mostly everything said it will be the corpus luteum cyst on the side you ovulated from and it dissolves within 12 weeks when placenta takes over? Anyone heard of this before?
Thanks peanut, yes this is what she said and I couldn't remember what she called the department. I shall dig out my notes and call the them. Thank you! Glad all went well with your scan this morning :)
I didn't know you could do this, the doctor never mentioned it to me at all. I just booked a private scan yesterday for when I'll be 8 weeks as its the earliest they do. Had a bit of low left side pain the last few days, not pain as such I suppose more like a dull niggle, it comes and goes and feels like ovulation pain. Was scared to google but mostly everything said it will be the corpus luteum cyst on the side you ovulated from and it dissolves within 12 weeks when placenta takes over? Anyone heard of this before?

Yes, after 3 miscarriages you should be getting scanned at 6 weeks! (Nhs have never done it for me, always went private) but they should. Give them a call see if you can have a scan x
Anyone else tend to feel worse late evening/night?
I find that's when I start to get cramps and feel a bit sicky. I usually feel slightly dizzy for an hour or so in the morning but then I'm okay.
Anyone else tend to feel worse late evening/night?
I find that's when I start to get cramps and feel a bit sicky. I usually feel slightly dizzy for an hour or so in the morning but then I'm okay.

Yes, I'm more nauseous in the evening and I'm way more tired in the morning. I'm trying to embrace it :lol:
Anyone else tend to feel worse late evening/night?
I find that's when I start to get cramps and feel a bit sicky. I usually feel slightly dizzy for an hour or so in the morning but then I'm okay.

Yes, I'm more nauseous in the evening and I'm way more tired in the morning. I'm trying to embrace it :lol:

Still worried about these cramps! So far I would say this whole being pregnant thing is more stressful than fun :P HOW DO PEOPLE DO IT
Anyone else tend to feel worse late evening/night?
I find that's when I start to get cramps and feel a bit sicky. I usually feel slightly dizzy for an hour or so in the morning but then I'm okay.

Yep I'm definitely worse at night, early evening I can't control my hunger no matter what I eat my stomach is still growling, then a few hours later I feel really icky and get niggly pains.
Mine comes whenever it wants, it has no set time! Usually feel very sick if i wake up in the middle of night. Today was the first day i have threw up! Xx
I got to see the heartbeat today! :O:O
Measured at 6 weeks 1 day, which is 3 days ahead meaning I must have implantanted/ovulated early!
I'm so relieved I feel like I can breathe again! <3
Amazing firstfreakout! Absolutely over the moon for you! Would you like me to adjust your date?

Last night was the first night in two weeks I've slept decently! Still knackered but less so today. Also feeling cautiously happy, the last pregnancy was lost at 5+3 and I think I'm passed that, so that's something at least. Hoping that it stays put until our scan in 3 weeks so we can see a viable hb. Pleeeeeeeease stay sticky little bean! Symptoms are coming back in drips and drabs. I'm so on edge, I feel so highly strung. Having to try and reign in the mood swings massively but I'm not sure it's successful! :shock:

How is everyone else? Has anyone got appointments coming up soon that we can look forward to? I have my mw next Wednesday so not long to go

Amazing firstfreakout! Absolutely over the moon for you! Would you like me to adjust your date?

Last night was the first night in two weeks I've slept decently! Still knackered but less so today. Also feeling cautiously happy, the last pregnancy was lost at 5+3 and I think I'm passed that, so that's something at least. Hoping that it stays put until our scan in 3 weeks so we can see a viable hb. Pleeeeeeeease stay sticky little bean! Symptoms are coming back in drips and drabs. I'm so on edge, I feel so highly strung. Having to try and reign in the mood swings massively but I'm not sure it's successful! :shock:

How is everyone else? Has anyone got appointments coming up soon that we can look forward to? I have my mw next Wednesday so not long to go

Yes please Kimber :)

Fingers crossed for you xx

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