September 2017 mummies

Good plan Kumber! Wish hubby had the dinner on, not sure he knows what an oven is!
Give him a good swat with a broomstick until he learns :lol: going to see what the Netflix version of A Series of Unfortunate Events is like tonight, will anybody else be watching?

You've just reminded me kumber. I've managed to get both kids to bed so I plan on having a nice early night with my iPad hoping oh clears up dinner as I cooked x

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Ohh no! I've managed to avoid so far, it tends to come for me in the evenings about 9pm along with the tiredness so I'm going to bed early to try and avoid it. I hope you don't get it too bad!

Ohh no! I've managed to avoid so far, it tends to come for me in the evenings about 9pm along with the tiredness so I'm going to bed early to try and avoid it. I hope you don't get it too bad!

It started in the evenings... now I seem to have it constantly the last two days. I'm hoping it settles soon!
Hi all, can I join?! This morning I got my third positive so I am ready to start believing now lol! According to my app I am due 23rd but obviously will wait for doctor's visit for confirmation :)
Welcome and congratulations misskth! I'll pop you on the list!

So I have two rather large tattoos on my thighs that have become so itchy he last 24 hours! I'm assuming it's because of the extra blood volume or something but is anyone else being bothered by this?
My main two symptoms at the moment are extreme tiredness and heartburn. The heartburn has been so intense! And I have spent most of this afternoon asleep (although I do have a stinking cold which doesn't help!)
Haven't experienced the itching yet, sounds annoying! Had my first proper wave of nausea this afternoon, think I was needing to eat!
Hi ladies had some rather shocking news, our landlord wants to end the tenancy. Idk why, but now we have to find somewhere to live by end of Feb. We were saving for a house but don't have enough money/ time for that now. So we've been packing, and throwing stuff out all day. Think we will be moving to Stoke.

I've been feeling sick all day! We have a meal with hubby's friend for thier bday tomorrow really not looking forward to it with the sickness, especially as we need to drive 1 & half hours I get car sick in 5 mins! Xx
Hi ladies, hope you're all doing well. Clairedoll my nausea is when I'm hungry, it's gross! Carrying snacks on me all the time and eating 2 small dinners now.

Welcome and congratulations misskth.

How's everyone's symptoms? X
PB, flipping heck! So not what you need right now, I hope you can get something sorted soon!

The queasiness is rubbish ladies, I'm right there with you. Little and often is the way to go. I'm so hoping hubby brings me back a chippy, I can't face freezer food again tonight

Hi ladies, hope you're all doing well. Clairedoll my nausea is when I'm hungry, it's gross! Carrying snacks on me all the time and eating 2 small dinners now.

Welcome and congratulations misskth.

How's everyone's symptoms? X

Thanks MrsDuckie, really pleased to be here. I am ready for bed, so tired even after sleeping half the day. Spent an hour on Amazon looking for pregnancy books. So many to choose from!
Hi ladies had some rather shocking news, our landlord wants to end the tenancy. Idk why, but now we have to find somewhere to live by end of Feb. We were saving for a house but don't have enough money/ time for that now. So we've been packing, and throwing stuff out all day. Think we will be moving to Stoke.

I've been feeling sick all day! We have a meal with hubby's friend for thier bday tomorrow really not looking forward to it with the sickness, especially as we need to drive 1 & half hours I get car sick in 5 mins! Xx

So sorry to hear this PB, not what you need right now :( Take care of yourself. x
Ashleigh although it's really tough right now I believe things happen for a reason for things to get better, it'll all work out fine lovely x

Went to my parents last night for Chinese food, as is our Saturday night tradition of we can make it over to visit. Oh dear did I ever feel sick and have done all night! Baby no like Chinese!
What a pain peanut hope the move goes smoothly.
Claire doll my sickness hit me last night as well luckily it calmed down after I ate a decent meal. I'm really struggling with this pregnancy I'm upset with myself that I'm not more excited and happy. I worry what other people will think I'll be 26 in may, I'm engaged and have two children already so I really should stop caring what other people think. My mums not going to take this pregnancy news well and I really need her support but I can't bring myself to tell her. 6+5 today and a scan on Wednesday hopefully it'll make me more excited x
I've been terrified for 2 days now ladies, I keep cramping. I'm desperately hoping that it's just growing pains as I've not had a bleed. Please let this baby stay put!!!!


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