September 2017 mummies

That's good to know PB. Aside from exhaustion, everything else comes in waves. My boobs haven't been sore for about a week now, but my nipples are still sensitive and pointy almost all the time hah

This is such a weird thing to go through.
Pregnancy is weird.

Yep, completely agree! It's weird, but totally worth the end result! :D

Why does the forum say second tri starts at 14 weeks and everywhere else says 13? Xx
Cg1, my symptoms disappeared now come back every now and then, like the other day I couldn't stop throwing up the next i felt fantastic. Dr said it's normal because the placenta is starting to take over but won't fully until 14 weeks :) x

Thanks PB, I'm glad to know it's not unusual I was getting a bit worried x
Yay PB!

I've got my midwife booking in appointment on Friday, and I just got my letter about my 12 week scan for the 24th! I'll be 12+2 for it I believe.
I'm so fed up. Beyond fed up. I feel sick all the time, mostly from sheer exhaustion. I'm shattered in the day and then can't sleep at night. My boys, god love them, insist on driving me crackers atm with fighting over toys, teething, toddler tantrums and autistic meltdowns. Really looking forward to tri 2 and a bump up of energy!

Kumber your post has at least given me hope that tri 2 will be better lol. Have you been sick or just constant feeling sick? I don't know what's worse. I also can't imagine going through this with two young ones as well so hats off to you!
Hi all. Just had a private reassurance scan as I'm anxious and all looks well for 7 + 3! We saw the heart beating which was amazing. I meet the midwife Thursday for the first time so it's been a great week. Nausea has generally gone, boobs still hurt and constipation still an ever present thing but feeling so much better after today.
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Feeling sick! When I'm tired (all the time), I feel sick, when I'm hungry (all the time), I feel sick. I can smell the general smell of my home and it's hurting my nose and making me feel sick because it smells so sweet. I'm having to burn some harsher incense like cinnamon just to try and balance it. My washing powder is making me feel sick, my shampoo, basically anything that smells sweet makes me want to heave and I can't. So over it.

I found tri 2 so much easier with my boys, but then I also found tri 1 easier than this. Only have evening queasiness and nothing like this. So, so hoping this smell aversion goes away, I can't love like this for the next 7 months!!! :wall2:

Oh my sickness kicked in fully today. My 3yr old doesnt go to preschool on Tuesday's so been trying to entertain her whilst slowly dying on the sofa until I convinced her to lie down next to me...not sure how I managed that but she fell asleep for 3hrs so unlike her but I was grateful today. Hoping these next few weeks pass so quick
My sickness started easing at 10 weeks :) still have nausea on and off mainly in the morning. Atm I just have unquenchable thirst! Has around 4 liters yesterday and my pee this morn was like i hadn't drunk anything! Think I have dry mouth. How is everyone? X
Still waiting....getting a little fed up!
Rang the midwife I saw when I went to my first GP booking in appointment as I still haven't received my hospital referral letters and appointment dates for my hospital booking in, bloods and scan.
She says she keeps leaving them voicemails but they're not getting back to her, she's even given me the number to call them myself!
I'm probably just being impatient but should have had them by now. For even just my booking in appointment would be nice! I'm 9 weeks now and a couple of days, with all the sickness and feeling a bit'd be nice to have something to look forward too.
Hummppfffhhh Xx
Feel absolutely dreadful..nauseous, tired, headache, a cold, drained of long am I going to feel like this?! honestly can't even function in the morning, even after an extra hour or two in bed when my partner takes our little boy downstairs to let me rest, I just don't feel refreshed..or well at all.
I felt really well in my first pregnancy so this has come as a bit of a shock!
I feel guilty as I liked taking my son out for long walks and to the park but I just don't feel up to it this past week or two. I'm struggling to walk long distance if I'm honest. It's mostly up hill and I feel as though I won't make it back!
Sorry for the whinge...just wondered if this is a normal pregnancy reaction, or if anyone has any tips to help?
Feel absolutely dreadful..nauseous, tired, headache, a cold, drained of long am I going to feel like this?! honestly can't even function in the morning, even after an extra hour or two in bed when my partner takes our little boy downstairs to let me rest, I just don't feel refreshed..or well at all.

I felt really well in my first pregnancy so this has come as a bit of a shock!

I feel guilty as I liked taking my son out for long walks and to the park but I just don't feel up to it this past week or two. I'm struggling to walk long distance if I'm honest. It's mostly up hill and I feel as though I won't make it back!

Sorry for the whinge...just wondered if this is a normal pregnancy reaction, or if anyone has any tips to help?


Definitely normal. I feel about the same. So, I would say it's pretty normal. I don't think you're whining at all. Hope you feel better soon! :)

Yes it's normal, ive had a headache for 2 days now to, I can stay in bed as long as I want tho lol no kids and recently left my job xx
Had my scan today, all is good still :) saw baby do what looked like a forward roll haha! X
Had my scan today, all is good still :) saw baby do what looked like a forward roll haha! X

So happy for you PB! Everything's going so well and your nearly in your second trimester (that's seems to have flown by now) x
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Ahh ikno! I can't believe it, hoping the rest of the pregnancy goes this fast :D x
Hi everyone!
I've been hanging around in the background for a few weeks, but havent wanted to post, as I've been worried about something going wrong! Silly really. I used to use this forum a few years ago when I was pregnant with my son (he's 4 and a half now) and I found the support invaluable, so naturally, I'm back!
So I've just turned 9 weeks (yesterday) and due on 17th Sept. I've already had my first booking in appointment (on 10th Feb). Our scan is booked for 10th March, but we did have an early scan at 6 weeks due to concerns about a possible ectopic. All looked well then and we saw heartbeat, so really hoping things are still good! Before we had my son, I miscarried and Ive been worried about it happening again.
Anyways, I'll stop waffling, just thought it's about time I brave it and say hi! And congratulations to all you ladies on your little bumps! :D
Jacy x

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