Idk duckie, have a google, it's probably different in different areas.
So I can't stop being sick today. Good sign but ugh. Never really been sick in my life maybe once or twice. I've been sick a few times this pregnancy but fuck, this is nasty! Xx
How is everyone symptom wise? I have awful constipation and gas, I'm in so much pain daily. Hoping the entire pregnancy isn't like this.
PB, I've told my family (mum and siblings), and my best friend, but the bf doesn't want to tell his until the end of the first trimester. He hasn't told his family or friends anything yet. I think he's liking it being just something we have at the moment
I've had to tell various managers at work because I needed to change role and team due to risks, but we haven't made it public knowledge yet. Tbh, it would make my life so much easier at work if we did tell everyone! I want to get it over with.. I'm only 9+3 at the moment though
I'm thinking we will probably tell them at 12 weeks, even though we probably wouldn't have had the dating scan/screenings yet...
I don't "feel pregnant" today...
I don't "feel pregnant" today...
I'm guessing that's a good thing? Haha.
I don't "feel pregnant" today...
I'm guessing that's a good thing? Haha.
Weird. I'm hoping I don't wake up tomorrow with two days worth of symptoms ahaha
I don't "feel pregnant" today...
I'm guessing that's a good thing? Haha.
Weird. I'm hoping I don't wake up tomorrow with two days worth of symptoms ahaha
I hear you. I'm hoping to finally get some sleep tonight haha. I've been dragging since I woke up... Not sure if it'll happen but one can always be hopeful.