September 2017 mummies

Also this is going to sound a bit mad but when should you book your antenatal classes? I really want to do an NCT one and am worried it'll be full if I leave it too late! Sounds silly I know...
Idk duckie, have a google, it's probably different in different areas.

So I can't stop being sick today. Good sign but ugh. Never really been sick in my life maybe once or twice. I've been sick a few times this pregnancy but fuck, this is nasty! Xx
Idk duckie, have a google, it's probably different in different areas.

So I can't stop being sick today. Good sign but ugh. Never really been sick in my life maybe once or twice. I've been sick a few times this pregnancy but fuck, this is nasty! Xx

Yup, it can get pretty bad. But, it so worth the end result isn't it? Hope you feel a little better soon.
How is everyone symptom wise? I have awful constipation and gas, I'm in so much pain daily. Hoping the entire pregnancy isn't like this.

Sore and tender boobs, sickness (worse in the afternoon) but only actually sick once, constipation! I am finding the not telling anyone hard!
When are you guys telling people? Close people have known since we found out as i thought was chemical cos of bleeding.., but won't be telling anyone until 20+ weeks.
Terrible sickness, tiredness, bloating. Horrible constipation (although I had the runs for the first 2 weeks!) Now I've got back pain as well.
PB, I've told my family (mum and siblings), and my best friend, but the bf doesn't want to tell his until the end of the first trimester. He hasn't told his family or friends anything yet. I think he's liking it being just something we have at the moment :)

I've had to tell various managers at work because I needed to change role and team due to risks, but we haven't made it public knowledge yet. Tbh, it would make my life so much easier at work if we did tell everyone! I want to get it over with.. I'm only 9+3 at the moment though

I'm thinking we will probably tell them at 12 weeks, even though we probably wouldn't have had the dating scan/screenings yet...
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PB, I've told my family (mum and siblings), and my best friend, but the bf doesn't want to tell his until the end of the first trimester. He hasn't told his family or friends anything yet. I think he's liking it being just something we have at the moment :)

I've had to tell various managers at work because I needed to change role and team due to risks, but we haven't made it public knowledge yet. Tbh, it would make my life so much easier at work if we did tell everyone! I want to get it over with.. I'm only 9+3 at the moment though

I'm thinking we will probably tell them at 12 weeks, even though we probably wouldn't have had the dating scan/screenings yet...

I haven't told many people besides my mom and of course the father, other then that no one knows except on here hehe. I was going to wait until 15 or 16 weeks to tell people. Or just wait until I completely start showing.

I just don't want people to know until I'm ready to tell you know?

Weve not told anyone yet. I am hoping they might let me have my 12wk scan 1 day early (will b 12 wks on a Saturday) but the Friday (11wk 6d) is my daughters 4th birthday and we dont want to tell her till the 12 wk. Not telling anyone till then. We told our parents at 8wk last time and everyone else at 17wk
I'm a teacher in an SEN school so two of the SMT know and one of my TAs who I trust so much (she knew about my chemical, so I don't have a problem being open with her). I needed to tell SMT quiet early to have my 6 week scan off. I told my TA a few days after as I was struggling with tiredness and pain. My husband and I agreed I should have some with me in class who knew and could keep and eye on me.

I hope to tell family and friends as soon after 12 weeks as possible. However, I live an hour away from my family so if I feel like I am going to start showing at work then I will tell my family as I don't want them to know last.

We're away atm for my sister in law's birthday. I have a chesty cough so I hoped people might assume that's why I wasn't drinking although I didn't say antibiotics because I think it just raises a red flag. I often don't drink so this really helped.

Big surprise though, my brother in law and wife announced they are excepting their second she's nearly 12 weeks. I could tell she was during the meal but the worse thing was they could also tell with me! The brother kept asking my husband and wouldn't believe when we said no. Luckily I predicted their announcement and we both agreed not to add on ' we're pregnant too'. I think it's nice for them to have their own time to celebrate too.

It made me laugh when my sister in law confided 'he thinks you're pregnant too (lol) I told him you rarely drink but his certain'. So far I think we're still undedtected by the masses. x
Feeling very low. Making a doctors appointment tomorrow, I can't keep a thing down and haven't needed to pee at all. No one seems to care whatsoever I'm just praying I get a decent doctor who will understand as I can't go on like this. I can tell OH is totally fed up with me already, we've progressed in the last week from him phoning to check on me and texting all the time, to one text which he didn't even reply to, to nothing at all. I guess being sick and worse every day gets boring pretty fast. Friends don't want to know either. One is just like yeah your pregnant that's what happens, the other never had any sickness and seems to think I'm either exaggerating or making it up entirely, more concerned with asking me when I will be visiting her even after I've said I haven't moved from the bathroom all day. Sorry for the moan I just need to get it out to someone.
I am the same ffo, all my symptoms have disappeared apart from my boobs are still a little bigger but that's it, no bump or sickness or anything :( I'm trying not to worry but it's so difficult as I haven't had my scan yet

I don't "feel pregnant" today...

I'm guessing that's a good thing? Haha.

Weird. I'm hoping I don't wake up tomorrow with two days worth of symptoms ahaha

I hear you. I'm hoping to finally get some sleep tonight haha. I've been dragging since I woke up... Not sure if it'll happen but one can always be hopeful.
Cg1, my symptoms disappeared now come back every now and then, like the other day I couldn't stop throwing up the next i felt fantastic. Dr said it's normal because the placenta is starting to take over but won't fully until 14 weeks :) x
That's good to know PB. Aside from exhaustion, everything else comes in waves. My boobs haven't been sore for about a week now, but my nipples are still sensitive and pointy almost all the time hah

This is such a weird thing to go through.
Pregnancy is weird.
I'm so fed up. Beyond fed up. I feel sick all the time, mostly from sheer exhaustion. I'm shattered in the day and then can't sleep at night. My boys, god love them, insist on driving me crackers atm with fighting over toys, teething, toddler tantrums and autistic meltdowns. Really looking forward to tri 2 and a bump up of energy!


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