So I'm 9 weeks today (going by the date of my early scan 3 weeks ago) and went to A&E this morning, probably being a bit of a worry wart, because I for the last week or so I've been getting the random shooting pain in my lady bits and pelvis, but this morning it went on every few minutes for hours and got more intense.
I dropped by A&E and the doctor there was the most helpful medical person I've seen since I found out I was pregnant. She was amazing.
She told me that the pains sounded okay as my other symptoms have remained constant (sore boobs/bloating/exhaustion/waves of nausea) and she tested my urine and found no traces of blood. She explained that during the 8th and 9th week, the placenta is forming and attaching to the wall which can cause pinching and shooting pains or cramps in the pelvis and lady part area. She also explained that the cervix is also changing, that it will soften and dilate and change shape (what even?!) and this can cause discomfort in the lady part area.
She didn't seem worried at all, and stated that given my symptoms, lack of spotting/bleeding, and that a heartbeat was seen at 6 weeks with no issues, she believes the pregnancy will be fine. She is sending me for another scan tomorrow afternoon though with the EPU just to be sure and to reassure me more than anything I think! I also mentioned that my sister had a miscarriage last year at only 17 at 8 weeks, so I was worried.
I've been so uncomfortable recently - my haemorrhoids are acting up big time and I think my sciatic nerve is going off because I have a constant pain in my right butt cheek and thighs... and I've been struggling so much emotionally and struggling to be excited most days, so it's nice to hear that a medical professional thinks everything is going okay and actually give me some positive insight.
I just thought I'd share with you guys incase any of you are in a similar position
I hope you're all doing well xo