September 2017 mummies

PB, I have a good feeling about you and this pregnancy. Best of luck tomorrow!

Just wanted to say, I didn't find out the sex of the baby with any of my 3, and it was absolute magic when they were born, that moment of seeing boy or girl, or hearing my husband tell me... I will never ever forget that. Of course, I also KNEW deep down the sex of each one so in a way I wasn't surprised :)
Lat time I bought clothes right up until 2 years.... i'd like to be able to do the same again especially if it's a girl this time, would also love a surprise though so kinda glad that hubby has made the decision for me!

Good luck for tomorrow PB.
Hi all, I have been Mrs Emotional today! Up and down like a yo yo and nearly burst into tears several times.

As for the finding out gender question I definitely want to find out ahead. Been trying to think about names but my job means it is impossible!
Anyone else suffering bad acne?! I finally counted my spots and I ahve about 42 only 3 of which are above my nose the rest are mainly on my chin. Lmao i don't mind just hoping they don't scar! X
I got my scan date through this morning, 2nd March. Eeeeeeeep!!

Yep to the spots, but they're in weird places like my arms? Vile

Great you get to see little one again today PB, let us know how you get on. How many weeks are you now?
I'm 9+3 today.
Apparently I'm getting 2 dating scans. One with my RM hospital and one with my regular aha! So my first scan is 10th Feb wish was on the 7th it's my bday!!! Heh x
PeanutButter just wanted to jump in here to say how fab it is to read about your pregnancy. Best of luck with your scans. Btw acne usually means you are carrying a little boy. Best of luck & I'll look forward to seeing your positive posts on this amazing journey xxx
Thanks Louise :)
Sat in waiting room, my brother gave me a lift cos hubby couldn't get off work. Smoked in the car on the way here when I can barely breathe from my cough/cold anyways :( all I can smell is fags now :/ my appoitment isn't until 3:15 hopefully they see my earlier lol x
Everything is ok HB still going strong, they said no need for me to worry about anything, they said my cold is probably masking my pregnancy symptoms and that's why I'm not experiencing them now. I have a scan for 3rd and 10th Feb now cos my anxiety lol. They said when i told them my preg symptoms had gone they were panicking (told me after my scan). Still going to worry I think though measuring smaller then at 9w but they said it can be out. And the baby was moving around!! Ahaha never wanted to cry so much, was amazing! Still a blob though can't see arms or legs yet :/ was excited to see them lol
Im due September! ☺ unsure on a date but from how I've worked it out. Should be due 25th ☺💞
lots of lovely news!

Morning sickness started for me today, well nausea anyway! My book said some people just get nausea but we will see. It was hard to mask it at work today!
PeanutButter- fab that all went well at your scan. Please don't worry or even think about measurements or dates at the moment. Your 12 week dating scan will be accurate and simply go by what they confirm then. What's important is that baby is there, is growing and has that miracle little heartbeat. So pleased for you 🙏
Amazing news PB!

Misskth with my last pregnancy I just got nausea. Lasted all day long but was never actually sick once.
My nausea is usually very slight, worse some days, better on others. I haven't thrown up yet at 8+3 (but I'm not a very pukey person, having only been sick twice in the last 8 years or so!)
I am getting bouts of upset tummy every few days, but I think that's the prenatal vitamins!
I'm struggling hugely my nausea has progressed hugely and I'm struggling to feed the kids. :(

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