September 2017 mummies

Me and my little one both woke with a stomach bug this morning (the shits really are a true test of potty training ��). He was right as rain after breakfast, I however have been feeling sick and dizzy all day (not actually been sick). My whole body aches and I physically can't eat anything. 2 mins after I get up I need to sit down again cos I feel like I am going to faint. I am really really hoping it is just a bug and not the start of morning sickness - definitely couldn't handle having it this bad everyday!
I keep getting waves of being a bit sicky feeling. Praying it isnt as bad as last time with my daughter...was awful and now with a 3yr in tow could demolish me!
Morning sickness has well and truly landed in my household.. It's practically bad first thing in the morning and when I'm travelling in the car. I also have a three year old to contend with! xx
Freaking out. Been bed bound all day with nausea and sickness, got up and sat on the couch for an hour psyching myself up to take the dog out as OH is working until 7, went a walk with the dog, felt a bit wet but thought nothing of it really, went to loo there and there is a sizeable blob of brown spotting in knickers :( no further spotting on wiping but my stomach is killing me but I can't distinguish if it's cramping or just a sore stomach from puking.
Brown blood is usually ok Claire, I would still call the epu and ask for a scan though.

I have my booking in appointment today. They've asked me to take pee, I wasn't asked to bring it last time and she never asked for it in the appointment. I feel like she thinks I'm lying about being pregnant or something :/
I left it as late as possible this time as i didn't want to sit through it all again to have another miscarriage. I'm 10 weeks tomorrow and still feel like it's too early lol. X
Brown blood is ok ClaireDoll, so try not to worry

Yay for booking in PB!

I'm so over feeling sick. I wish I could just flipping get sick so it goes away, but I feel like it's travel sickness - extreme queasiness. Blehhhh.

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Epu still haven't called me back. It's just a stupid voicemail where you have to leave your name and number and someone's meant to phone you. More of the same today.

Aw kumber I know, I feel like I'm on a boat lol and I have to actually be sick to get about half an hours worth of relief from the queasiness to be able to eat. Got myself in a horrible routine now of once in the morning, eat something, feel shite all day then same again at night! I'm telling myself it's a good sign that this is happening though!
My nausea is starting to settle now. Mainly in the car I'm very nauseous I actually threw up in there yday lol.

Finished my appointment. She told me to take me boots off because I don't wanna weigh extra then I already would (insult? Idk). She put my due date as what the epu scanned me as but I had a scan the next day which changed again, I thought she was supposed to go of last period until dating scan? Feeling pretty low today idk why. I've ordered a doppler should be here today wont worry if i don't hear anything though. Xx
Me and my little one both woke with a stomach bug this morning (the shits really are a true test of potty training ��). He was right as rain after breakfast, I however have been feeling sick and dizzy all day (not actually been sick). My whole body aches and I physically can't eat anything. 2 mins after I get up I need to sit down again cos I feel like I am going to faint. I am really really hoping it is just a bug and not the start of morning sickness - definitely couldn't handle having it this bad everyday!

Hope you and the little one are feeling better now, Kinkers!

I've worked in nurseries in the toddler room and have potty trained so many children in that time (and our policy was to wash out their underwear and send it home!!! :shock:) - I'm not looking forward to the shits at home!
Brown blood is ok ClaireDoll, so try not to worry

Yay for booking in PB!

I'm so over feeling sick. I wish I could just flipping get sick so it goes away, but I feel like it's travel sickness - extreme queasiness. Blehhhh.

I'm the same, I've had a good day today but normally I just feel like I will be sick and I never am. My gag reflex is really sensitive which is a pain at work. I've only told one trusted co-worker so she can help me if anything goes wrong.

Is anyone majorly bloated?! I am only 7 weeks so can't be a bump yet but all of my jeans are too tight and I haven't put on any weight yet x
Pemsy I'm bloated/gained weight on my stomach already, so I'm wearing maternity jeans with the elastic bit. I can't bear to have buttons or zips on the front of trousers at the moment as they dig in my tummy and make me feel sick! And I can't live in sweats at work... I'm only just 8+5.

I've always been able to hold my stomach in, but now I can't at all. Feel so unattractive right now :(
I have to keep washing my hair cus the smell of it is making me feel awful. I think I need to change shampoo!

My maternity jeans are arriving Saturday as I don't think I can tolerate it much longer firstfreakout. I'm exactly the same though! I have quite strong tummy muscles and I'm so used to holding my tummy somewhat 'in' during the day, this is no longer possible which is making me feel even bigger x
Yes lots of bloating here! I am 6+2 but my tummy has got bigger from bloating! The tiredness is still hitting me hard. We have booked a private scan for next week as we are feeling anxious and then I have my first midwife appt to look forward to.
Lol, I'm not buying maternity clothes yet, but I am very bloated. My fave jeans hardly fit me but I do wear them still. Xx
Hello ladies,

I'm 8 weeks pregnant (baby number 2) will be due September 12th (or there abouts)
I was going to wait until my first scan to post on here but I had my booking in appointment with the midwife at my gp's yesterday and thought I'd just say hello.
I still have to have my first scan and I'm waiting on the hospital letter with the booking in appointment with them.
Nervous, wasn't expecting baby number two to make an appearance just yet, even though baby one was just last April, it all somehow seems new and nerve wracking again!
Rachael Xx
I'm really struggling now last night I felt so sick that I couldn't move I ended up just lying in bed until I fell asleep and today I'm dealing with a
Migraine :( I can't believe how quick everything is going to far I'm hoping the sickness passes quickly.

Welcome to the sept mummy thread :)
Blueberrybaby8 - congratulations and welcome to the thread :)

I'm not that bloated really but my boobs are mahoosive! I've been wearing baggy jumpers to work so nobody has noticed yet, thankfully its still cold enough but i can't wait to be able to wear my normal clothes again.

Sorry I haven't been on here much, I feel really really nauseous all day every day.. omg I can't wait for 12 weeks (lets hope it settles down by then). My fella is being soo good though, he's even making dinners and doing the washing.. he must be hungry! haha

What are the maternity jeans like? Can people tell if your wearing a different type?

Peanut butter - did your doppler arrive? Let me know how it goes i'd love to do this :)

Cg1 yes it did, didn't find HB just keep hearing the placenta and my own HB I think. I'm not concerned or anything I would have liked to hearit though! Have another scan on Friday so can hear it then :P x
Have my private scan at 5.30 though I'm really concerned that they won't be able to do it, says you need a full bladder I can't keep anything down and hardly need to pee at all just now so don't know. Still got this pesky brown bleeding, still waiting for Epu to bother to call me!

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