September 2017 mummies

Welcome mellie!

Hope everything is good with your scan PB.

Woke up with a full blown horrible cold, feel rotten. Think it might have been starting yesterday, thought it was just the usual exhaustion mid afternoon so I went for a nap but slept for 3 hours, just feel floored today :( come on body give me a break!
Update on the mw referral for those who replied!

I called the GP surgery reception and asked them to confirm how it works as I was confused. I told them what the GP said (that he sends off the referral and I get a letter in about a month to see them at around 12 weeks) and they told me he explained it wrong.

What they do here is he's sent off the information to the mw and they will post through a date for a booking in, which she wasn't able to confirm when it would be just that it would be before the 12 weeks scan is booked. Then she confirmed there would be a scan between 11-13 weeks. So I'm awaiting a letter in the post for a date/time to go to the midwife, but she doesn't know how soon it'll be. (I'm 7 weeks tomorrow according to the measurements at my early scan last week)

She said that she's not sure why the GP explained it the way he did... bit concerning when a receptionist knows more than a doctor!

Thanks for the advice on getting this cleared up! I feel a bit more relaxed now and will await the letter :)
Just called to try and book in with my midwife... and apparently they have nothing until February 10th!! I'll be like over 11 weeks. She said she will have to talk you the midwife and get her to call me. Wtf though? :/ headache now. Lady was so rude down the phone to, talking to me like a piece of shit, nhs pretty shit today!!!x
Idk :( baby had fast heartbeat, but was abdo scan and wasn't measuring 8 weeks. So I'm worried. :/ lol x
About 4 days behind. (All other miscarriages started with baby nit growing as should) they saying it's only grown 2 days worth in 6. X
I just saw your other post...
I'm sure everything will be okay, PB. I've seen quite a few stories on the net about babies taking a while to catch up! But given your history and fears, go for a second opinion.
As I said in my post on your other thread, EPUs are walk ins and you can turn up to any one you like. Maybe try a different one and see if they can reassure you more?
I think theres a baby boom at the moment and midwives are a bit short in some areas. I assume that's why they gave you such a far off date PB.

If I get the same mw as I had last time I'm ringing up to change, cant be stuck with her for another 9 months. She was so dopey and useless. She totally forgot I had an appointment once and kept me waiting over an hour!

Sending you lots of positive thoughts PB, surely some growth is better than none though. Could they have perhaps just measured wrong maybe? I've never had an early scan so I have no idea how it works, sorry.
Our EPU isn't a walk in unfortunately you need a referral which is nigh on impossible to get!
They should have done an internal I wouldn't be too concerned as it was an abdominal scan not an internal x
I'm hoping that it was just a shit lady doing the scan tbh. As soon as she saw the HB she was basically yeah evevrythings fine. With my private scan the measured baby several times and went with what they believed was the most accurate. I did think I was about 4 days behind cos I ovulated on cd 18 not 14! X
Update on the mw referral for those who replied!

She said that she's not sure why the GP explained it the way he did... bit concerning when a receptionist knows more than a doctor!

Thanks for the advice on getting this cleared up! I feel a bit more relaxed now and will await the letter :)
glad to hear you got some clarification today!
Welcome Becky and congratulations! What's your EDD hun?

Anyone else feeling faint? Idk what's wrong. When I stand I feel sick and light headed and I can't think until I sit down again then I'm ok :s x

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