September 2017 mummies

Can I just say I am so pleased to have found such a lovely group of ladies on here. I found myself eager to come home tonight and check how everyone was doing!
Awwww that's lovely misskth! It's lovely to have you here, to have everyone here. I love this forum!

Ahh yes, this is the best thread I've seen!! I love it.
When I google stuff and see other threads, some of the women are so bitchy and awfully mean for no reason.
Pretty much everyone on this site is nice and curtious! Everyone seems to have patience with each other, like me constantly going on about how I think somethings wrong, no one's told me to suck it up and face it! Everyone's like reassuring heh. X
Kumber anything before 8 weeks is usually internal scan, I think a lot of private places only do the tv scans? 8 weeks would be good to go as think you'd maybe see a wee bit more as well.

Great news PB. Good they are going to look after you as well.

Elf that's great your scan was good too.

Hi Hayley, welcome. I had to tell my work early too, so I know how you feel when practical strangers know before your family!
Hi ladies, i went to my recurrent miscarriges appointment today, they gave me a scan and baby is now measuring 8 weeks with strong HB and they let me hear it!!! Its looking more like a baby to now aha. They said they are scanning me every 2 weeks and have a scan for the 27th! Couldn't be happier atm. :) xx

Sorry to jump in on this thread, but just saw your post and wanted to say how happy I am you had another scan and they are finally looking after you properly.
Big hugs!!!!! X
Still following along here even though I'm no longer part of the group... just over here rooting quietly for you ladies!

PB that is the best news, I'm just thrilled for you!
Congratulations and welcome Becky!

Hope everyone is doing well xx
Still following along here even though I'm no longer part of the group... just over here rooting quietly for you ladies!

PB that is the best news, I'm just thrilled for you!

That's lovely, you're very much missed. I hope you're doing ok

Okay ladies so Iv been for my scan today and they have measured me at 5 weeks however I was expecting to be more around 8? My last period was 23.11.17 however I do have irregular periods and I got a positive on 28th December meaning that I was 2-3 weeks when I got this?? Any ideas??
Wtf. If your supposed to be 8 but measuring 5 they should scan you again in 1-2 weeks :/x
Can you call them to clarify? I agree they should see you again based on your dates

I'm so worried about it. They didn't seem concerned at all.. I might pay for a private one next week so to see if there has been some growth ...
I have been feeling so crampy all day and so got myself all worried. I used some of my mindfulness training and calmed myself down but still feeling tense. I have had a bit of a funny tummy so wondering (hoping!) if it is linked to that.

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