September 2017 mummies

My BP was fine yesterday... Is it bad and will it effect the baby? xx
PB, it's just your pregnancy hormones messing with your blood pressure. It's normal. Just keep your fluids up and make sure when standing up you do it slowly.
PB, it's just your pregnancy hormones messing with your blood pressure. It's normal. Just keep your fluids up and make sure when standing up you do it slowly.

I was cleaning at the time, so bending over alot picking stuff off the floor etc. You reckon this why?
Sorry just a tad worried, last time i felt faint it was my hormones dropping cos of MC. But there was a HB yday so idk waht im thinking. Ive never got this far! x
I was cleaning at the time, so bending over alot picking stuff off the floor etc. You reckon this why?
Sorry just a tad worried, last time i felt faint it was my hormones dropping cos of MC. But there was a HB yday so idk waht im thinking. Ive never got this far! x

Yes, that could be why. I get it just by standing up too soon or bending over too long whilst dressing my daughter. MW told me it's totally normal and to be concerned if it's happening even when you've been doing nothing. If you do feel concerned you could call your MW for the reassurance?
Ladies, I'm dying with the cold, coupled with a migraine and sickness. Is there anything that's safe to take whilst pregnant?

I've been avoiding taking anything but I'm getting to the stage I can't cope, fluids, rest and massage are not touching the pain.

I'm currently taking a 75mg aspirin every day for recurrent miscarriage, I don't know if it's safe to take anything else with that as well even though it's a low dose? Literally can't see straight with the pounding behind my eyes and can't hear either because my ears are so blocked. Basically I'm falling to bits lol.
PB, sounds like you were doing too much and maybe stood up too quickly, have you had enough to eat and drink today? I find if I don't eat every 2 hours I'm getting dizzy. Doctor said its normal as I was worried dizziness is sign of somethig wrong but they said no it's fine.
ClaireDoll if you're taking aspirin then you can't take anything else as that's a paracetamol derivative I think? You can't take any more than paracetamol when pregnant

Hi everyone! I'm new to this kind of thing but I'm also due early September! I am going for a scan tomorrow so hoping all is well and my baby is a sticky one!! I have also been taking Asprin once day as I have suffered from 2 miscarriages in the past. Does anybody else symptoms come and go? My boobs seem to get more tender as the day goes on ??
Scan was ok due 9th September measuring 6+4 little heart was beating away <3
Welcome Hayley and congratulations! Hoping this baby is a sticky bean for you. What's your due date and I'll pop you on our list.

I'm just back from the midwife, I got my pregnancy notes book to fill out, referral is being sent for 12 week scan and I've got my home visit booked. Need to book my early scan tomorrow, for hopefully next week or the following. Maybe booking for 8 weeks would be best, what do you all think?

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Thank you going off my dates I am due 4th September however I will confirm this tomorrow after my scan. I am so anxious about the whole thing, after suffering from 2 miscarriages I can't help but imagine the worst &#55357;&#56852;. I also have a little boy who turns 4 next month! I can't remember being so anxious when I was pregnant with him! If all goes well tomorrow I am planning on telling immediate family.. I have had to inform my work place as I'm a nurse and currently work with patients who are extemely aggressive and volitile. It feels very strange that my work collegues know but my family doesn't &#55357;&#56853;. X
That must be very strange, I bet you're excited to tell family though after tomorrow! Best of luck with the scan tomorrow!

Thank you. 8 weeks sounds good- have you managed to get one through the NHS or are going to a private clinic? X
It'll be private, I found one for £40 which a few relatives have been to and been impressed with. Bit of a trek but worth it. 8 weeks is probably a better idea, at least I'll be sure of them seeing something then.

Hi ladies, i went to my recurrent miscarriges appointment today, they gave me a scan and baby is now measuring 8 weeks with strong HB and they let me hear it!!! Its looking more like a baby to now aha. They said they are scanning me every 2 weeks and have a scan for the 27th! Couldn't be happier atm. :) xx
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Hi Hayley M, welcome!

Elfs Mummy so pleased the scan was ok!

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