September 2017 mummies

Ohh god PB! I couldn't work at Subway, I'd eat everything in sight :shock: I have 0 symptoms, even boobs are only mildly tender. Booking early scan next week though so hopefully we should be ok.

Am I the only one who hasn't heard anything from a MW, and won't be seen until 12 weeks?

You should be seen at 6-8 weeks chick, cus they need to refer you for your scan at 11-13 weeks

Ohh god PB! I couldn't work at Subway, I'd eat everything in sight :shock: I have 0 symptoms, even boobs are only mildly tender. Booking early scan next week though so hopefully we should be ok.

Am I the only one who hasn't heard anything from a MW, and won't be seen until 12 weeks?

You should be seen at 6-8 weeks chick, cus they need to refer you for your scan at 11-13 weeks

Hmm. I went to the EPU for a very early scan as I needed to determine how far along I was. They told me the fetal pole measured at 6+1 and referred me back to GP. The GP called that afternoon and has put the referral through to the midwife, but he said they usually don't see until around 12 weeks even for booking in, sometimes earlier at 10-11. But not to expect anything until at least then. He also said it can take up to a month just to receive the appointment letter...
Your doctor is wrong. Call your docs and get through to reception and they will book you into see the midwife. My docs won't see until 8 weeks, but I'm waiting cos if i mc again itll be a waste of time. I think it's pretty much the same across the UK, most see there midwife 6-8 weeks, cos if you pay for prescription you have to wait to get your mat card to, and you need your dating scan around 12-13 weeks :/ x
Your doctor is wrong. Call your docs and get through to reception and they will book you into see the midwife. My docs won't see until 8 weeks, but I'm waiting cos if i mc again itll be a waste of time. I think it's pretty much the same across the UK, most see there midwife 6-8 weeks, cos if you pay for prescription you have to wait to get your mat card to, and you need your dating scan around 12-13 weeks :/ x

Oh. I'm pretty sure the reception said the same thing, that the GP sends off the referral to the midwife and then I await the letter with an appointment date on it. And the appointment is usually up to 12 weeks. I remember him saying on the phone that I might be waiting longer due to others needing to be seen first as I found out so early at 3 weeks and have already been to the EPU, and usually women don't find out until about 6-8 weeks anyway...

I'm so lost and confused with this stuff.
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You shouldn't have to wait longer because you found out early it makes no sense? I dunno about the rest of the U.K. But Scotland we have first midwife appointment at 8 weeks, first scan 12 weeks. When we book in, we get sent a booklet about screening tests, there is certain tests they need to do before 14 weeks I'm sure so I would definitely try and get a second opinion. Surely shouldn't take a month to get the appointment letter, can EPU advise if they've already seen you?
Drives me mad when doctors say 'oh most people wouldn't know their pregnant at 4 weeks' erm why not, do they not realise when they're meant to be getting their period, and also are most people who are pregnant not actively trying so it's not a bloody surprise?!
Oh I'm so confused... I guess I'll give he surgery a call tomorrow and ask. They're probably gonna get fed up with me soon!
First, I feel the same way about my docs! Heh but it's their job! You need help so they should help you.

Clairedoll I agree, when I was preg with my 3rd, I tested like a week early so went docs shower her test and she said no. Your period isn't even late it's can't be positive... ugh docs don't know shit about pregnancy though.
With my son j got a positive at 5dpo so anything is possible
You need to see your mw long before 8 weeks as you have to be scanned between 11 and 13 weeks. They have to assume that people want downs testing, and that can't be done after 14 weeks. Also, all babies measure about the same at exactly 12 weeks so it's the most accurate form of dating they have. If they don't date you correctly, you could potentially go over 42 weeks which is bad for baby.

I would ring the surgery either book in with the midwife or ask to see a different gp in the next 5 days. I would also put in a complaint about the gp you saw previously, as their advice is extremely, extremely dangerous!!

You need to see your mw long before 8 weeks as you have to be scanned between 11 and 13 weeks. They have to assume that people want downs testing, and that can't be done after 14 weeks. Also, all babies measure about the same at exactly 12 weeks so it's the most accurate form of dating they have. If they don't date you correctly, you could potentially go over 42 weeks which is bad for baby.

I would ring the surgery either book in with the midwife or ask to see a different gp in the next 5 days. I would also put in a complaint about the gp you saw previously, as their advice is extremely, extremely dangerous!!

I'll call the reception tomorrow and get them to re-explain what happens and see what they say. I know they don't do a self referral to the midwife, and a referral has been sent off by the GP I saw I just don't know if I am being seen before 12 weeks as what I interpreted from what he said is I'll be seen at 12 weeks and not before, as he also said that I now have a long wait, with "6 weeks to go". But I'll call and confirm tomorrow. If I don't get any joy with them, then I don't really know how I'll get an appointment as it's usually 2 week wait for a routine appointment and I'm at work at really bizarre hours! oops

I don't know if it's because I already had scan so they know my dates?
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This is an interesting discussion, I found out I was pregnant Friday and phoned the doctors today. The Receptionist told me I won't see a doctor, it will be the midwife at the surgery but they won't see me until 8 weeks. So I guess I won't have any scans at 8 weeks like some of you have mentioned above? Would my first be 12 weeks?
No chuck cus they have to scan you between 11 and 13 weeks, it's government policy. If they don't give you an appointment, go to the practice manager and kick up a huge fuss. Failing that, you can move practices.

There should be a midwife running a clinic in your practice, so they shouldn't need to send a referral anywhere anyhow. The mw will have access to your notes through her clinic.

If you can't get an appointment, get an emergency one. I don't normally condone it but your baby is important and if they won't accommodate you willingly then you'll have to make them and sod their stupid, dangerous rules! This is something I feel very passionately about :shock:

Misskth, some of us are having early scans due to recurrent miscarriges, you don't normally have a scan until 12 weeks, if your having bleeding or severe cramping you usually get a early scan at the EPU. You can pay privately to have an early scan also, usually between £60-80 which I think most people do now! I've had 2 private ones this pregnancy aha.

My appointment is at 10am, woke up with a headache again. I'm not as worried as I was yesterday though. X
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Thank you so much for explaining PB, I really appreciate it. Thinking of you today. X
All docs/midwife clinics seem to do things differently. Each of my pregnancies I didn't see a doctor, just rang them to say I was pregnant and they gave me the midwife number to call and book in for my first contact visit at around 8-10 weeks. From there the midwife put through for the 12 week scan which the appt came very quick by letter for the scan to be preformed around 12 weeks. With my first we were due to be away around the time of my scan so I rang the hospital and booked my 12 week scan directly. All things to consider, but why don't you just call the midwife clinic set up at your surgery directly and then you'll get an immediate answer? I've not had any dealings with the doctors during any of my pregnancies, it's all been midwife care.
Thanks, my scan isn't until 10 and ive been up since half 2! I actually threw up today (lovely ikno) but aha I wanted it for ages!! Helped my nausea ease to! X
Hi all, looks like I might be joining you.
I took a test yday and it's come up a very faint line. So took two more this morning and 2 more faint lines. OH doesn't believe them because I got them from the poundshop (wasn't expecting a positive so didn't want to waste money!) I'm due on today and nothing as of yet. Will hopefully go out later and get another test.

I have a 2 year old already and was on here all the time back in 2014. But obviously pregnancy will be a lot different this time around with him to look after!

Going by my last period my due date should be 25th September. I have absolutely no idea how I'm feeling right now, totally unexpected as we weren't trying but weren't preventing as such. :shock:
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PB, hope it's going well!

Mellie_88, welcome and congratulations! I think I remember you from my first pregnancy, my eldest is 2.5 so we would have been different tris I think. Will pop you on the list!

Ah yes we must have been about at the same time, Jake was born in November. :)

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