September 2017 mummies

Kumber, ive also been cramping really bad. The lady said at the scan that it'd just growing pain, especially if there's no blood, as if was mc you should start spotting quite close to when the cramps start x
I haven't had any major cramping but know it must be so worrying, the only pain I've had so far is the niggly bit that's on and off on my lower left side, they're not concerned about it because I haven't had any severe pain or bleeding to accompany it. Didn't sleep well at all last night, got up at 6 and went to lie on the couch so hubby didn't get disturbed by tossing and turning, had a dream about having newborn baby boy and was stressing out my nut because we didn't have a single thing for him and everyone kept fussing over me but not helping, woke up feeling very anxious! Of course hubby thinks it's a sign for a boy lol secretly holding out hope for a girl but would obviously be delighted with a boy as well.
It's good you're not having cramps Claire :) old wives tales says if you dream of a gender your usually having the opposite! I also had a dream of a new born boy last week. I'm not bothered what we have. :p

Is it too early to buy a maternity bra? My nipples really hurt and I really only have push ups. I did buy a new brand without any padding but my boobs seem too big now and hang over xD I'm only a B! Xx
I'm really gassy so I'm hoping it's a mixture of that and growing. The last time it took a few hours before the bleed started so I'm still terrified. Hopefully it eases off and I'm ok. Gonna stay distracted today which will help. Have a lovely Sunday ladies!

Ergh, I feel bad. Had a super hot bath that made me feel sick. But the water keep getting so cold id shiver. Ladies on google says it's ok. I used to have my baths so hot that I'd nearly pass out when getting out lol!

Anyone else having the metallic taste yet? I like that it's there but it's nasty aha. X
It's deffo not too early for a maternity bra, whatever makes you comfy, I'm gonna get one this week I think, my underwired usual ones are too small now, keep bursting them lol. OH's step-brother seen the tiger on my t shirt today, got over excited and prodded me right in the boob, he's only 5 but omg it was bloody agony I could have cried my boobs have been so sore!

I love a roasting hot bath but I've avoided any since I found out as I don't want to risk anything, my back and shoulders kill me baths are the only thing that eases it, I don't think the Luke warm baths cut it! You take care PB x

I take back what I said about no cramps, been cleaning the house top to bottom today and feel period like pain now that I've sat down, cue obsessive knicker checking time :(
Clairedoll I tend to get more cramps the more I move around, mainly with bending over a lot or getting up and down. (along with light headedness and nausea!) Very irritating as they make you worry!
Oh, anyone else going to be doing a pregnancy journal, with week to week updates? I'm gonna start one tomorrow!
Can't decide whether to make my own with a blank journal or order a specific pregnancy journal book... I'd love to make my own but super lazy and work a lot!

All of the pictures are going to go in a baby book along with pictures and milestones of their first year, after the baby is born... so this would be more like documenting the pregnancy re cravings, updates, thoughts etc...
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I take back what I said about no cramps, been cleaning the house top to bottom today and feel period like pain now that I've sat down, cue obsessive knicker checking time :(

Another obsessive knicker checker as have felt cramping today :(

Hope all you ladies are ok.

RE Pregnancy Journals I am definitely going to do one, perhaps make my own. Starting looking at Pinterest for ideas.
Oh first that is so sweet I may need to order one too! Also thanks for the reassurance, since I sat down and let hubby do the rest of the running about the cramps have eased off and feel fine at the moment. Even had a wee late afternoon nap, what a luxury!
Have my 8 weeks scan tomorrow at the epu, ive convinced myself there isn't going to be a heartbeat. :( xx
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PB, I had convinced myself I wouldn't see anything at all on my scan last Thursday, and it was just an empty sac, but actually got to see more than I thought! Negativity can be overpowering, but try to look at the positive signs and be rational. I struggle with that with all the hormones and anxiety I suffer with, but it really helps to try.
Good luck tomorrow <3
Pb I was exactly the same going for my 8 week scan, and it wasn't made easier by the fact they were running really behind on appointments, then I had a trainee do it who couldn't see anything, then they had to go internal, then he still took ages and the whole time I'm thinking it's going to be bad news.....then there it was, and the heartbeat was obvious.
You of course are bound to feel like this, why wouldn't you after all you've been through? You just have to keep going, no other choice. I have a good feeling about this for you tomorrow though, and then That's another 2 weeks you can tick off.

Keep us posted
Hugs xxxx
Sending you such good luck for tomorrow PB, what time is your appointment?

I'm nervous for mw on Wednesday but that's only because I'm not mad keen on her or filling out pregnancy forms.

How's everyone doing symptom wise? I still have nothing and now starting to worry. I think I'm working myself up for nothing I think, I need a reality check!

Am I the only one who hasn't heard anything from a MW, and won't be seen until 12 weeks?
Kumber j was feeling very sicky yday today isn't that bad woke with a headache and have been so dizzy all day (always get worried about dizziness, sign of mc for me with the hormones dropping fast ugh) my body is achy and I look 6 months preg with my bloat ahaha! I'm completely off food. I work at subway and ergh no the thought makes me feel ill (I can't eat the meat anyways cos is deli meat) and I used to love BBQ sauce now I just wanna be sick when I think about it. There's a cafe next door I went in for a sandwich and was vile I couldn't finish it. Lol xx

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