***September 2016 Mummies***

Yes sansk i thought my bean looked like my oh?!?!! Looked like his profile. And it was asleep most of the time so definitely like him. Haha xx
I could tell my wee boys face from the side from 12 weeks, I was like he has your nose.

Its still a tiny version, but he deffo has his Daddy's nose and legs.

His feet were barely in the photo.. He wasnt overly long when he was born, but still long - and now hes 3 in 4 year old clothes for length but still 3yr for waist, which proves difficult as some 3-4 stuff doesnt fit.

Lovely photos ladies!
That is soooooo weird ....... I also immediately thought mine looked like his daddy and his half brother from his profile!!
Got a job interview tomorrow. Got told on 2nd Feb I'm at risk of redundancy so trying to find a new job before 23rd June (date they send me packing) and before I'm obviously preggo as noone woyld take me with a baby bump!! Xx
Good luck for the interview Catherine! What job is it for? Hope all goes well xxx
Good luck with your interview today xx
Thanks both.
Its for a risk manager job in a bank. Fingers crossed. Just made it into London, now to battle the tube whilst not feeling 100%... The joys! Xx
Sounds good! Apart from the stressful tube journey! Let us know how you get on xxx
Does anyone have any ideas on how to gently tell my SIL that were expecting #2? She's just undergone her 3rd attempt at IVF and it didn't work.
They'll be no easy way of telling her, perhaps ask your DH to break the news and when she's around just be tactful to her feelings, its not your fault she hasn't conceived yet and deep down she will know that - good luck xxxx
I did a thread on that topic a few weeks ago Yess - our SIL hadn't been trying long but had a mc just before Christmas.

I think it's best to go with your gut instinct and be as sensitive as possible. In the end we sent her a long message, saying that we didn't want to put her on the spot to respond but that we would ring her to talk about it if she wanted to. We said that we were pregnant and that we understood this might cause a mixture of feelings. Tried to be as tactful as possible. She didn't respond for a while but then she messaged back and we rang her the following day. She said she had preferred that to us calling her as she was a bit upset immediately afterwards but that she was really happy for us too. She knows that we have a history of mc and ttc issues too.

Some people might prefer it done face to face, but in our situation with her living so far away we thought message might be best.

You've just got to go with what you think would be easiest for the other person. And tell them as soon as you can before they hear from someone else. Xxx
Yeah I think I will let my DH tell her on his own... It's so difficult isn't it? We were sooo rooting for it to be successful as she started her treatment just as we got our BFP.

Makes you feel so blessed to be able to conceive naturally.
I know, I feel so lucky as it must be such a hard process to go through. Is she going to try another round? Xxx
So I think my interview went ok! Just got yo wIt and see now...

Yess - thats such a tough situation. I think she'll appreciate some space to consider it and get her head round it. Hope she's ok. Hard when you want to celebrate too.

No she can't afford another round. So bloody expensive! Fingers crossed for you aragon! When do you hear?

My work trousers are getting a bit tight around the waist so thought I'd treat myself to maternity trousers from new look. I went in yesterday and came out with over the bump jeans, two dresses, a vest top and two long sleeve tops.. No trousers! Didn't want to buy maternity clothes so early on but it was too good a bargain. I paid £24 for it all!
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Ha funny how a lot us seen our OH in the scan profiles xx

I got a letter to day for my 21 week scan it is the 9th of may a few days after my BD exciting stuff!!

Yes....you are lucky wish I could find bargains like that here, there is like 3/4 shops here for maternity stuff and that is only a rail or two in said shops so little choice and quite expensive. I did get black jegging's in Asda and they so comfy and look kinda like skinny jeans.
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I need mat trousers. Im living in black jeggins for work atm..

My dress ones were cutting me in half lol.

Ditto on living in black leggings! Got some mat clothes at the weekend including jeans so am in those today and soooo much more comfortable!! Tops and dresses are still fine it's just the trousers because of the bloat!

Glad the interview went well Catherine :-) fx

Oh that's rubbish that they can't afford another round Yess. Will they consider adoption? Hope it goes okay when your DH tells her xxx
Thanks all I should find out in a couple of weeks...!! Hope I don't get too massive!

I need some new clothes. My skirt i wore for work today is soooo tight.


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