***September 2016 Mummies***

I've been wishing weeks away. Feel terrible for doing it. My dating scan isn't until a week on Tuesday. I've had two scans already (week 6 & 8) due to bleeding. Hope it all goes well for you tomorrow! Looking forward to seeing a pic and us all moving to tri 2!
I am soooo miserable have a cold and a cough deep down in my chest have not slept in 3 days Paracetamol is not cutting it any idea's to help unblock my nose to get some relief so I can breathe?
Poor you, olbas oil is very good, a few drops on a hankie and lay the hankie on your chest or put a few drops on your pillow. Hope you feel better soon x
I rub vicks onthe soles of my little girls feet when she's got a stuffy nose (when she's on bed). Worth a try! Or even putting some vicks in an oil burner with some water x
I second the vicks on feet. Works for my little girl and tried it when I had a cold a few weeks ago and seemed to help me too xxx
Anyone elses digestion seemed to slow right down? Ive noticed this morning when I was sick I brought up my dinner from last night as if Id just eaten it :lol: I read online its the hormones that do it.

Guess ill need to eat smaller portions from now on.. Or little and often.

Thankfully Im nearing the first tri, I hope it doesnt stick like this..

Yeh my bm 's are very few and far between which I figure is maybe something to do with digestion.

Are you being very sick RM? :-(

I'm feeling so exhausted I could cry today. Really don't want to be in work. Xxx
No not overly sick. I was sick on Friday night cause I ate a curry at a buffet and just felt off the whole night. Then I was sick a bit this morning but I just notice anytime I am being sick it seems to be like fully formed vom as apposed to my usual water and foam. Had a wee google today and it says the hcg slows the digestion so your food sits in there longer. I think partly thats the reason I was sick. I cant imagine its nice a bloody KFC lying in your stomach all night :lol:

Ill just need to start watching what Im eating. Mind you already cant eat citrusy things because I have acid reflux, so its running out things I can eat :lol:

I have vitamin water this morning, a thick and creamy yoghurt and a bannana. That'll do me until lunch time, don't wanna over do it.

My poops have slowed over the past few days too. Im normally once twice a day, recently thrice but its slowed now.


I'm lucky if I go once every 5 days at the moment! Think I need to get something for it.

Glad you're not being too ill. Perhaps you're having a girl this time?! I'm mainly just feeling sick, haven't had too much actual vomiting.

Scan went well, baby is healthy and growing properly. Been put forward to 12+4 so my new EDD is september 22nd. I still think I can pinpoint exactly when I concieved and implanted though so will stick with the 28th for now and see what they say at my next appointment :)
Hello ladies
im sooooooo happy to join this group, I've put it off as I had a miscarriage last November and I've been trying to carry on with life until I knew this pregnancy was OK.
Had my 12 week scan today, and I'm actually 12weeks 3days. Due Date 23 Sep, so I would love to join you guys. :)
Yayyyyy! Congratulation to Rhelen AND Redhead.

Great news all round!!! :yay:

I've just been begged to go back to my old job!!!! After the restructure at work I didn't get placed and the person who got the job has gone on to something new! So after my interviews last week I can relax in the knowledge Ive got a job!!!! I'm so happy!!! Yay!! Xx
Thinking of announcing our pregnancy to our parents on Easter (SIL separately another day).. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do it? Maybe incorporating our little girl. Was thinking of getting a tshirt made saying hun in the oven for me to wear. But thought maybe something egg related??
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Scan went well, baby is healthy and growing properly. Been put forward to 12+4 so my new EDD is september 22nd. I still think I can pinpoint exactly when I concieved and implanted though so will stick with the 28th for now and see what they say at my next appointment :)

Great news xx

Hello ladies
im sooooooo happy to join this group, I've put it off as I had a miscarriage last November and I've been trying to carry on with life until I knew this pregnancy was OK.
Had my 12 week scan today, and I'm actually 12weeks 3days. Due Date 23 Sep, so I would love to join you guys. :)

Congratulations xx

I've just been begged to go back to my old job!!!! After the restructure at work I didn't get placed and the person who got the job has gone on to something new! So after my interviews last week I can relax in the knowledge Ive got a job!!!! I'm so happy!!! Yay!! Xx

Fab news xx
Thinking of announcing our pregnancy to our parents on Easter (SIL separately another day).. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do it? Maybe incorporating our little girl. Was thinking of getting a tshirt made saying hun in the oven for me to wear. But thought maybe something egg related??

Lots of ideas here xx

How lovely!!! Love the message in an egg idea. You could blow the eggs out yourself and add the message. See YouTube man vs pin video.... Then I'm not sure how old your little girl is but she could paint the egg?? Or give it to them?
If not, a t shirt for her saying 'egg-specting a side kick september 2016' would be cool xx
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Glad all scans went well!!

Brill news about your old job Catherine -what a weight off your mind xx

Love the egg ideas Yess :-)
Lol i love that etsy page! Thank you! Been on pintrest too.. I will probably end up with a tshirt for my little girl.

Any scans this week??

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