***September 2016 Mummies***

Got lots of wee things for baby in asda sale. £47.50 worth of clothes for £27 ..... bargain!
8 dribble bibs
8 short sleeve bodysuits
6 long sleeve babygrows
3 long sleeve bodysuits
1 long sleeve top
1 pair trousers

Wow you're organised!!! I can't wait to start buying stuff but holding out for my scan Monday.
Haha! Was just too good to pass up!
Wow that's organised mad one serious bargains!. Scan went well on Thursday saw our little bean kicking around. Been put back one day so now the 14th sept. Good to here all the good scan stories from this week
Keep looking for neutral things as we're team yellow but the boy and gorl atuff is all soooo cute!!
Got my cousin and her hubby over tonight. Another night of pretending I've given up drink over lent... Two sleeps til the scan!
Aw not long for you now!!

We are team yellow too and did that last time but wasn't a problem as baby had soo much stuff after she was born. And kept her mainly in sleepsuits for the first couple of months.

Telling my parents tomorrow -- eek! Xxx
Oh yeah!! Awesome mothers day news :-)
Yes I think a few neutral sleepers will get us through til I know the flavour :-)

Let us know what your parents say!!
how did your scan go naomi?

i would like to be able to be team yellow, but i can't help myself lol x
Went well thanks Caroline! Got moved back a day so slightly further away from you now date wise! Wondering if I will go over with this one too.

Couldn't get over how active the baby was - much more than millie was at her dating scan. The sonographer was fab and talked us through everything baby was doing and gave us an extra picture too :-)

How are you getting on Caroline? Xxx
oh fab :) i find it amazing how active they are at this stage when we barely feel anything

im ok, spent the evening/ night in A&E last night with chest pains :( its apparently muscular but my god it hurts x
Oh no!! I guess everything is having to move around so much at the moment so there's bound to be a variety of aches and pains - especially when expecting twins! Xxx
i know, i dont recall pulling anything, i haven't had a cough and work seem to not want me to lift a thing so its a complete mystery, how are you feeling? x
Not too bad now. Got a bit of constipation which isn't too fun but my nausea has eased right off which is good! Get the odd ache etc and occasional round ligament type pain but feeling pretty good at the moment so I am lucky! Still quite tired but not as bad as I was.
How are you feeling? Do you have a bump yet? Xxx
Ive ordered a chinese, quite sad how excited I am. But hey, a nice takeaway and decent telly will be my weekend for the next year probably :lol:

Oo yum, what stuff did you order? Have you had much sickness RM? Xxx
Happy Mother's Day everyone! Hope you all have a lovely day and if today is the day you're sharing your news... Good luck!
Haha! Was just too good to pass up!

scn - do you know what you're having? If so, how?! Haha.
I think we might be off to ASDA soon at that rate!
My brother and fianceé got us loads of stuff the other day and part of me felt scared by that as, as everyone keeps telling me, I have ages to go! But, I think it's the anxiety talking and I just have to believe now and enjoy it, I guess. Our 'nursery' is quite literally a building site at the moment, with no floor(!) so I can't even begin to think about stuff in there etc. My DH has a lovely job to do with it once it's all done. :-)
Hoping you're all feeling well...
Has anyone's bump 'popped' yet?! After I have eaten, I look and feel about 5 months gone! Otherwise, just a very subtle one. Waiting for it to be proper and for people to know I am pregnant, not just think I have put weight back on!
I had harmony testing done so know I'm having a boy.
I'm fat so no noticeable bump for me yet!
Yes SCL time to relax and enjoy xx

I'm officially tri 2 from today ladies so I'll see you over there!!! Will probably keep checking in here though until some of you come and join me xx
I'll be there on Tuesday, hopefully!
I have never heard of harmony testing! Wow. How does it work? Xx
Harmony testing is only done privately and it involves just taking a blood sample from mum. There is fetal DNA within the mums blood and this is tested for chromosome problems and can also be used to detect the sex of baby.
Obviously the main reason for having it done is to check for chromosome problems, finding out the sex if you wish is an added bonus xx
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