Another awful migraine

definitely the worst so far! I felt like I was being tortured in the night and I ended up being sick.
I rang the midwife and the doc this morning, he offered me codeine but said there was a risk to babies development in the first trimester so I declined it. I just have to get through the next two weeks or so and if I'm still suffering I can have something stronger!
My scan is two weeks today so I'm trying to concentrate on that! This pregnancy is so much different than the last one! Xxx
I suffer from migraines and was on indometacin for prevention but cant have now and theyv stepped up their game. Last one I lost my vision for an hour then an all over pressure migraine and today have another pressure migraine.
I mentioned to the MW today who suggested visiting the GP for Propanolol not did any research into it yet but this is my second in a week or so. Cant have this going on..
Paracatamol, dark rooms, cold packs. Nothing is denting it. Was sick this morning and if anything it got worse. Im keeping hydrated and eating so, not that either. Sugar intake is good too.
Hope you feel better soon.