Self funded IVF question


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2006
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Hiya :wave:

We have our first appt at the fertility clinic on 02/12 and I was just wondering how long, on average, the whole investigative process takes? Like is it 2 or 3 months of tests and stuff or are there certain things you wait ages for? Also, if we do need some type of assistance - like IVF/ICSI we will have to self fund as we have a daughter together already. So I was wondering how long do you wait for treatment to start once you make that decision to go ahead wth it? Anybodies experiences woud be helpful thanks (I know I shoud ask at my appt but I am keen to know now!) :D
I don't know much myself but my brother and SIL went through IVF (although NHS funded). Their lil boy is due in 3 weeks although today she was told she will probably be induced next Monday. Anyhoo! They had 3 courses of IUI and then had to wait a cycle before starting IVF. Thankfully they fell first time :cheer:

There was a lady on here called Helen who wrote an IVF diary, which might be interesting reading for you hun :)
Misslarue said:
I don't know much myself but my brother and SIL went through IVF (although NHS funded). Their lil boy is due in 3 weeks although today she was told she will probably be induced next Monday. Anyhoo! They had 3 courses of IUI and then had to wait a cycle before starting IVF. Thankfully they fell first time :cheer:

whats IUI?
We had all our tests and investigations done with the NHS......which took a while. Once we knew we needed ICSI and had an appointment with a private clinic though, it was very quick and we started pretty much straight away.

Have you had any tests done yet? There are certain ones that have to be done on specific cycle days so that would be the only reason for it to take a couple of months. Otherwise there shouldn't be a delay really.

Good luck

Michelle x
Hiya Michelle, no I havent had any tests done at all yet. I saw my GP in summer and since then I have used OPKs the last few cycles and kept a record of how long they are but thats all. I am fairly (26 to 33 days) regular and I get a pos OPK every month with a 13 day luteal phase so hopefully I wont have to wait too long for the correct days for the blood tests etc. I wish I knew why I cant get pregnant again, it was so easy last time and I so want her to have a brother or sister close in age but its just not happening :( Thanks for the replies everyone.
Jen i'm 99% sure you will have to self-fund if you already have a child together.
Yeah, I have checked with the clinic and we will definately have to pay ourselves, luckily we have some savings, and I am thinking of doing egg sharing to get it cheaper but will make a definate decision when the time comes. They have told us that we can have the blood tests and other investigations done on the NHS and then pay for IVF if thats the route we need to go through. I was mostly wondering about the NHS timescale for carrying out investigations and also whether you can start IVF immediately after tests are completed if you are paying yourself. I think that if we are going to wait months and months for consultant appointments and things then I will go private as I want to get cracking - wasted the best part of 2 years so far and I am feeling desperate! :D
I would say allow a minimum of about 3 months to get all your tests done once you have seen the consultant as some tests have to be done at certain times in your cycle, and it depends on which tests your consultant feels are necessary and whether any problems are highlighted early on. Unless you are totally minted I would wait till these investigations are done as some can be expensive if paid for privately.

No, sadly not minted ha ha. :D We will def go for NHS tests then as only have enough cash for one or maybe two shots at the IVF- God I hope we dont need it, dont think I can face all that money and no success.
Can I ask how much each cycle of IVF costs?

I am currently having the NHS tests but may go private for the IVF if I need to.
This is a really old thread pinkcat. It might be worth starting a new one so it doesnt get lost ;)
The tests etc may take a few months etc, plus they may like to try Clomid with you for 6 months first before looking at IVF etc. Once you do get on to the IVF system (if you go private will be quite quick from refferal) things will move pretty fast. I would certainly look at clomid etc first though xxx

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