IVF update, day 52, Egg Retrieval = Result!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2011
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Phew, just got back from shopping for comfy garden furniture. My week off is going to be full of sunshine so what better way to celebrate it than bathing in it on comfy chairs reading a book. :lol:

Now I know you didn’t just click on this post to hear about my shopping trip, would you like to know how yesterday went?

Here goes...

7:00am got up and had breakfast (not allowed to eat or drink anything past 7:30am), had a nice bath and a shave :bath:(can’t go into hospital with hairy legs now can I!) and headed to the hospital for our 10am appointment.

As you all probably know before any fertility procedure, hubby must sustain himself for up to 4 days to ensure best quality of sperm is produced. This was successfully achieved and he gave his sample, no problem. :sperm:

Next, it was my turn, time for my eggs to be retrieved. I had not long been in my hospital gown when hubby received a phone call. Something had happened to his sample. :shock: The lid wasn’t screwed on properly and it leaked destroying most of the sample. :mad: I nearly fainted there and then. :faint:

However, the lab confirmed they managed to save enough for ICSI. Hubby was asked that when my eggs were retrieved he had to produce another sample later that afternoon.

General anaesthetic and 30 minutes later, 16 eggs were retrieved!!! Excellent result!!! :yay: Hubby produced a second sample in the afternoon as planned and it was soon confirmed IVF was going ahead as planned. The procedure was painless after I woke, ok a little sore but the General Anaesthetic was worse!!

Now, because the second sample was not as good as the first one would have been the lab decided to put 8 eggs forward for ICSI and the other 8 for IVF (natural fertilisation). This morning I received the result...

8 that were put for ICSI, 4 fertilised. Unfortunately the 8 for IVF, no fertilisation was achieved. Apparently the sperm were still swimming around in the dish this morning with my 8 eggs happily but not fertilising any of the eggs. It would appear my eggs are hard to penetrate and instead of the sperm sticking to the eggs like they are supposed to, they just slide away from it.

How interesting is that! Ok, so now I know why we have been unsuccessful for all these years and I am a saddened :sad: to hear that I may never conceive naturally but at least I have an answer, finally! :smile:

I have a 2pm insemination appointment tomorrow and I shall find out if they will put one back or two. I’m hoping two will be put back, the thought of twins is too exciting, how lovely would that be!! I will know more tomorrow so will update you all then; I have lots of questions to ask them.

A few nerve wrecking stages have been and gone, now only a few more remain:
The Insemination and the Two Week Wait. Excited and very nervous.

Thank you to everyone who have posted, you have given me lots of strength and positivity :thanks: and to all those who have read my posts i hope my journey has helped you in some way :hug:

Bead how are you getting on? Hope you are doing ok xx
Wow...that's so interesting! I really hope all goes well!

Lots of luck!

wow thats great news for you but not why you cant concieve on your own :-( good luck with tomorrow though and hope they stick for you so you can get your bfp!!!! xxxx
Wow hun that is really interesting, bloody typical of them dropping the sperm sample, but kudos to your hubby for doing a second sample.

4 eggs fertilised that is brilliant I would def push for them to put two back in.

Hope tomorrow goes ok for you then its just the dreaded 2ww to get through xxxxxxx
Wow, good luck, I really enjoyed reading your story Xxx
Hiya Kerrieanne :)

Great update! :dance:

I am wondering why if they had 8 eggs with spermies swimming around them the next day that they couldn't have performed ICSI on them right then :eh:

Please read up on the risks associated with multiple pregnancy - they gave me a leaflet and it is something that you should know all about before making a decision.

I will post some of the stats if you want.

I know i sound like i'm pooping on your parade, i don't mean to - i am so super excited for you, i'm just cautious by nature :) One is better than none.

Good luck for tomorrow :dance:
That's fantastic news hun and very exciting for you!! Sounds fab, best of luck to you xx
Hey Kerrieanne that's fab news! Sounds like a nightmare with the sample, but maybe it worked out for the best... if the sample had been perfectly fine, maybe they wouldn't have done ICSI and there would be no fertilised eggs. Everything happens for a reason :-)

Am doing ok thanks. Feeling HUGE over the past few days, which I'm hoping means the stim drugs are working better than last time. Got a scan tomorrow morning to find out.. keep everything crossed!

GOOD LUCK tomorrow! I found the embryo transfer so amazing last time... very emotional and overwhelming, but in a good way. Yay so very exciting :-)
Brilliant stuff, its all so interesting. Good luck for tomorrow xxx
Thanks everyone x

Louise mm i'll have to ask them why ICSI cannot be performed on the ones swimming around in the dish?

Your not pooping on my parade any info to read up on is very welcomed. Will have a little read but I do know some of the risks with twins, yes. Some stats would be good x

Let's see what the doc's have to say about it all tomorrow. I will listen to them and do what they think is best.

Although, I do have a dragon of a woman inseminating me but i've heard she is good so she can breathe fire all she likes as long as she gets me pregnant :good:

Bead- the drugs do bloat you terribly don't they! I feel better now it is over and done with now but do feel quite tender today, should really have stayed at home instead of shopping for garden furniture but hey ho. Does the insemination hurt? I only ask as i feel quite sore still!

Good luck on your scan tomorrow morning let me know how it goes xx
10% of all twin pregnancies result in at least one of the children either dying or having a significant disability.

They are 6 times more likely to be born with cerebral palsy.

51% of twins are born preterm.

25% of preterm babies will die of suffer disability.

35% of all infant deaths are related to them being preterm.

These things happen naturally and are unavoidable, but to choose to take the risks unnecessarily is a bit short-sighted :)

Unless ofcourse you have a valid reason to be concerned with your ability to maintain a pregnancy but even then if you get pregnant from a multiple ET you would have got pregnant with a SET without the risks.
Great story Hun, best of luck to you, sending you lots of babydust!

hey, im loving your post! so interesting to know what goes on from the perspective of the woman having IVF. I found out that i am going to need ICSI so its good for me to see have the story from someone else in the same boat. I hope everything went well and fx for a very sticky bean!!!
what an amazing story. i'm so sorry u are having to do it this way but it might not be long until u are there!! all the best xx
hey, im loving your post! so interesting to know what goes on from the perspective of the woman having IVF. I found out that i am going to need ICSI so its good for me to see have the story from someone else in the same boat. I hope everything went well and fx for a very sticky bean!!!

All the best on your ICSI journey xx

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