
xx emma xx

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2010
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I had a good cry earlier tonight. Basically I started on at OH to check when his mot is due on car cos I thought it was June and was panicking that if he leaves it too late I'll go into labour an and his car will be in garage and I'll be at hospital and he won't be able to visit. My OH was like 'Emma you have enough to get stressed about, there's no need to get stressed about this'. I burst into tears and suddenly came out with all my fears. Ive never stayed in hospital and so scared about this as I don't know what to expect. I'm scared something is going to happen to my OH stopping him from getting to hospital. I'm actually scared something bad is going to happen to him and I'll be left myself with baby. I have all these fears that have suddenly surfaced. I know it's probably because it's getting close to my due date and now I'm thinking of every single eventuality that could go wrong. Im like a crazy woman! Xx
Awww hun try not to worry.

Ive been reading a book recently on depression and anxiety in pregnancy - not something ive really experienced but it interests me. Did you know that during the first tri and towards the end of the 3rd tri a huge amount of women get depression and anxiety as a result of a hormonal imbalance? Could be a bit of what youre experiencing maybe?

....Although im sure at some point we all worry about the labour and going into hospital etc, its such a huge event in our lives of course we cant help but worry - just think in a few weeks it will all be over and youll have your new little family to concentrate on xx
^^ what Cherrelle said! Big hugs xx
Yep I can't add much more but try to remind yourself that a lot of those.fears are irrational and try not to let things get carried away.......easier said than done. :hugs:

I think we just get scared the closer we get to giving birth. I've been getting emotional this week when I haven't got emotional all pregnancy. At least you told your OH about how you feel. xx
Thanks ladies.

I know, even though I've been wishing it to be my due date for months I think its just hitting me how big this actually is and how close it is. I'm a big big worrier. Going to try and keep myself occupied today and keep my mind off worrying. God knows what I will do though lol I'm so so bored.
I'm hoping once baby is here my anxiety and stuff calms down, personally I think it will at least a wee bit xx
Staying in hospital isn't all that bad, you can take things in with you - an mp3 player, books, puzzlebooks, some photos... I've even packed a pen and paper to take in with me.

After my birth, I first stayed in hospital when I was 3, for a week. Didn't like it and had to stay in bed because I was on an antibiotic drip, but mum was there a lot.

My first operation was aged 19 and I was in and out the same day.

I then stayed overnight during my first pregnancy because of collapsing all the time. for some reason, from the age of 17, if I've had to be in a hospital, I've often ended up having anxiety attacks and I don't know why - they aren't that bad and if anything is going to happen to you, it's the best place to be in :)

There will be midwives and other mums and people can come visit - so you aren't totally alone.

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