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Scan Result


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
Reaction score
Sorry it has taken so long to get on here. I've not long got back from town. Ok here goes....

I went in for scan. explained what's been happening and said I wasn't holding out much hope....she tried scanning tummy but couldn't find anything so she had to do an internal scan....I kind of knew that it was going to be bad news at this point.

After what seemed like forever she finally said something about sac no baby...I didn't really hear her properly, got dressed and went outside to wait for doc.

When I went into docs she said they found two sacs but nothing in them....she said either I lost them early on and my body has absorbed them or I'm not as far along as they think.....I have to have another scan in two weeks.

However when I got home I had a lot of lower back pain and started losing red blood...so I think my body is now going to release what's left of pregnancy.

I had possivtive preg test on 6th Sept so even if I caught around 26th Aug I would still be 7+ weeks and they would surely see something by then.....so I am thinking my body absorbed them :(
I am so sorry to hear that hunny, sending you massive :hugs: x x

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Really sorry for your loss tee! Massive Hugs!

X x x x
dont give up hope yet, ive had a terrible pregnancy from day one!!!!! i thought that I was 8 weekd pregnant and had been bleeding so went for an early scan and they had to do an internal they said that there was a 4mm sac and no baby, went back 2 weeks later and there was a baby and a heartbeat they said i was around 6 weeks pregnant. Had alot of bleeding and terrible pains and another scan at around 8 weeks showed baby was fine.

Had my scan at 12 weeks to do the neuchal scan but I wasnt as far on as they thought so I went bac to weeks later and they dated me at 13weeks and baby was fine but there was a small seperation at teh placenta so told me to go back a week later to check the bleed, and it was so big that the placenta was barely hanging onto the uterus wall and they told me to expect the worst, went back for a scan 2 weeks later and all was perfect

At my 20 week scan they said that they could see inside the babys brain and that the baby was very very small and they sent me to a consultant at the fetal medicine unit and they said that they thought the baby had a chromosome problem and I had an amnio done and was told if it was pacauds syndrome ababy would die in the womb and if it was edwards syndromw then she would be born but live from a few hours to a year max and would be severly disabled, they ruled out downs sydrome as a baby still grows at the normal rate

So tehy results came back and I am getting weekly growth and doppler scans and baby is small but perfectly formed, and they didnt think that I would make it past 25 weeks without delivery adn I have made it to week 31, still no due date we take each week at a time..

Fingers crossed for you xxxx
Im so sorry to hear what a tough time you have been going through.
Fx for you xxxxxxxx
Thank you so much for all your kind words, means a lot :)

Claire....I am racking my brains trying to figure out dates but can't for the life of me. Your story does offer a glimmer of hope....will have to wait and see now. Part of me wishes it was all done and dusted, waiting two weeks is going to be torture!!! I'm not going to get my hopes up too high though....again thank you for your replies everyone :)
dont rack your brains, relax!!!!! easier said thn done but honesly relax, I just kept telling myself whats meant to be will be though, and whatever I do wont change it. I do hope though that you have your dates wrong, I had my periods to I was 5 month pregnant last time our bodies do funny things

If pain gets worse or bleeding gets heavier then go to the hospital though, keep me updated!!!! be watching for your threads, im away over in Tri 3 which I NEVER thought id get to in this pregnancy xx
So sorry Tee, thinking of you, stay positive xxx

Claire what a remarkable story your baby is defo a fighter, wishing you all the look in the world xxx
oh tee i am so sorry i really thought it would of been good news xx
i am so sorry tee, i was so hoping for better news for you. As claire said there is always hope, sometimes we defy the doctors, i know when my waters broke at 22 weeks with my 3rd they told me i would go into labour within 48 hours and my little boy would die, but he stayed in for 11 weeks before i went into labour and he was healthy and now he is a happy 6 year old, i know totally different situation but still defying the odds and what doctors told me, also i did alot of research on the net a few weeks back about sacs with no baby in because i had too had 2 sacs but only 1 baby could be seen, and there were stories were the baby had just not been seen till a few weeks later.It was alot more common to just have 1 empty sac and for the other sac to have a baby appear a few weeks later. I really do wish you the best.
im sat here crying its no tfair i dnt want this type of thing to happen to anyone :'(

Sorry for the news = there is still hope and im keeping my fingers crossed - reabsorbing im sure thats what my body was doing when i had my miscarriage as sac was empty but i was 8 weeks plus and sac showed only 6 weeks 2 days so i instantly knew. Loads of love x

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