ive had my scan


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2011
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hi ladies just to keep you all informed i had my scan this morning...
although it was very minoot she said the sac and the yolk seems fine and my baby is about the size of a grain of rice and she thinks there was a heartbeat to :) even though it was quite faint but she said its coz im so early shes requested i go back for another scan in 14days and hopefully will be able to see alot more.. so ive got my next scan date which is the 13th dec.
she also said have u got pco as ive got a sist but i havent got pco and it wasnt there two months ago when i had my scan of the ovarys so god nos..
i feel abit more positive now and it seems more real just hope the next 2 weeks flys by lol xxxxxxxx ive got the midwife this afternoon to so its been a very exciting day for me xxx
im just abit confused because the lady said to me 5 weeks pregnant would the heart be beating at this stage? because i worked it out that im 6 weeks.. i had my last period on the 14th oct and my cycles are about 30days i think i concieved on the 30th so how far gone would that make me? xx
Sometimes heart cant be seen till around 6/7 weeks hun. And with regards to the cyst i have known a few people develop them when they have become pregnant. Congratulations again xx
a heartbeat is usually seen from about 6 weeks. But the measure ur bean's length to give an approx age, so maybe thats why she said 5 weeks. Its possible to not be accurate with dates this early on, so I wouldn't worry. Glad ur scan went well and u have another in a couple of weeks. :) xx
oh yeah I have a cyst too, got told it was producing the progesterone my baby needs until the placenta takes over, also its on the ovary that released the egg. It should disappear by ur 12 week scan xx
Really pleased it went well. Heartbeat starts at around 6 weeks
Oh, I'm glad your scan went well. Hope the next one is even more reassuring! x
Really pleased it went well. I think they can detect a heartbeat any time from 6 weeks onwards so thats great they can see a heartbeat now :)
Hi girls thanks for all ur positive comments the midwife said I'm 6 weeks and 4 days so hopefully that will add up wen I go for the next scan in 2 weeks x
it sounds all good hun ..im sure you will have lots more to see at your next one ..congrats
I had the exact same conversation with the radiographer and she said it was because i could possibly be on the 5-6 week not sure which one, your scan in 14 days they should measure the litttle one because they did me x

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