Scan 2moro after 2 week wait


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2007
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Hey all. Not been on in a while as i didn't see the point considering I don't even know if there is a baby in there :(

I've got my scan tomorrow after the agonising wait over xmas. I'm going to find out if it is a blighted ovum I've got. At my last scan, the gestational sac was 15mm but there was no yolk sac or fetal pole so they basically told me to wait 2 weeks to see if I miscarry cos it looks like it's a blighted ovum. They said 2 weeks is a substantial time for nature to take its course or for a fetus to develop.

They said with a sac of that size though (which would have made me about 6 weeks pregnant) they would have expected to see something.

Well over the last 2 weeks, I just haven't felt pregnant at all. It's nothing like I was with my son. I've been getting REALLY bad fatigue but that's about it :(

I just know there is no baby. I don't really need the appointment tomorrow to know that, but they will give me the option for surgery to remove the gestational sac as i haven't miscarried yet.

It's been hanging over my head all oer xmas and tomorrow I get my definite answer although I already feel like I know it. So surgery in the new year for me :( Great start

Hope the rest of you ladies are well.

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i went through the same in September hun and it was the hardest thing i've ever been through. sending you big hugs x
So so so sorry to hear that. Best wishes to you all. x
So sorry hun - although I must say that the only symptom I had all through tri 1 was extreme fatigue - that def is a genuine pregnancy symptom.....wish you all the luck in the world xx
Thank you for your kind responses. I will post tomorrow to let you know what happens. xx
Good luck for tomorrow...... I hope everything is ok
hey. well, just as i suspected. Went for the scan and still no yolk sac or fetal pole. the gestational sac is 26mm now but they STILL want to rescan me in 10 days time to make sure they can definitely diagnose a blighted ovum. I KNOW that it's that now. I don't want to have to wait another 10 days. I just want it to end now :(

I told them this and they are going to have a word with the consultant tomorrow morning to see if they can just go ahead with surgery without having to rescan in 10 days.

They said it probably isn't going to be a successful pregnancy and I KNOW it isn't. Call it a female intuition but since the last scan, I knew there was never going to be any baby. It's sad but now I just want to move on without having to wait for yet another scan just to show the same thing :(

Anyhow, the nurse from the EPU said she'll call me tomorrow morning after she has spoke to the consultant to let me know if i have got to wait for another scan or if I can just book in for surgery so I'll let you know what happens.

Best wishes to you all. xxxxxxxxx
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so sorry to hear this, i hope that the consultant understands where your coming from so you can start to grieve and move on
Thanks all. I'm coping. I prepared myself for it. It just wasn't meant to be :(

At least once it's all over i'll be able to start trying again in a couple of months xx
Really sorry to hear your news Michelle. Sending you some big hugs :hugs: xxxx
Awww so sorry hun...i hope they don't drag it out for you. Like you say you need closure and to be able to look to the future xx
I'm so sorry hon I know exactly what you're going through. Big hugs to you and your OH :hugs:keep us posted x x x
i'm really sorry to hear this, life can be so cruel at times,i totally understand you wanting to move on but at least you can say doctors didn't move too quickly and made sure and double checked first, they dont have our intuition.

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