

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2007
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Has anyone had any bargains in the sales for there little ones.. I went a bit mad in next and got quite a few items .. just hope the sex doesnt change now!!!!
ive gone so mad on the sales tameron will never get 2 wear all the clothes he has now loool
Tegala-7thMarch08 said:
ive gone so mad on the sales tameron will never get 2 wear all the clothes he has now loool

i had the exact same problem with damon! saved me buying loads this time round though! there is just so much stuff damon never got round to wearing!!
my sis is due 2 pop 4 months after me so if shes having a little boy atleast the clothes i bought wont go to waste :) or i cud just save them like u for my next :D
Exactly - they wont go to, its better to have too much than not enough..that was always my excuse when buying something new! 8) :D
i think thats what tamerons father was thinking when he bourght 18 pairs of trainers :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I did well in BabyGap- I bought lots of things. One purple dress with little cream flowers was for a much older girl but it was so lovely I couldn't resist. You can tell it's all been bought in a sale mentality because all of it was surplus to requirements completely!

Still, I can't very well splash out on clothes for myself right now can I?
I found next great if you knew the sex but not so good for neutral.

Got some nice stuff in blooming marvellous, the baby gro which says "mine is a bottle of house white" and a feeding nightie for £5.99.

Also got my cot/bed from babies r us in the sale and a changing oak unit half price £150 down from £300. Bargain!
girlygirl said:
I found next great if you knew the sex but not so good for neutral.

Got some nice stuff in blooming marvellous, the baby gro which says "mine is a bottle of house white" and a feeding nightie for £5.99.

Also got my cot/bed from babies r us in the sale and a changing oak unit half price £150 down from £300. Bargain!

:rotfl: Only just got the babygro joke after having to think about it for ages :oops:

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