sad news :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2008
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Well, our worst fears came true today and i'm having a miscarriage :cry: I started getting period pains late last night and then this morning when I got to the hopsital I'd started bleeding fresh blood. It's gradually got heavier as the day has gone on and sadly, it's all over for us this time.
The hospital just called and I've got to go in tomorrow morning as my hormone levels didn't do what they thought they should and they think it might even be ectopic, so they want to check me out properly. I've just got to keep an eye on myself and they said to go in sooner if I get really bad pain in the night.

I just have to remember that there was obviously something seriously wrong and this is why it's happened. We are so very sad but at least we know we're both ok and I can get pregnant so hopefully it'll happen again for us.

Thank you all so much for your kind words over the last few very scary days. I wish you all good luck in your own pregnancies and hopefully i'll be back here in the distant future.

:hug: :hug:
Oh honey I'm so sorry I was rooting for you.

PM me if you need to chat about it xxx :hug:
aww hun. sorry to hear that! big hufge hugs to you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Oh hun I'm so sorry. I was really hoping your fears were unfounded. :hug:
So sorry to read this hun, i know how devastating it is for you both, stay strong and focused and hopefully you will have some good news again soon :hug: :hug:
Really sorry to hear this, keep your chin up. x
Thank you all so much for the :hug: they are greatly appreciated.

Strangely, now it's happened i'm actually pretty ok with it all. I was so worried about all the possibilities but when it finally happened I could resign myself to the fact it wasn't meant to be and I can now start the healing process and begin to move on. Don't get me wrong, we are devastated but we're also focusing on the fact that I can actually get pregnant and hopefully next time it'll all be better.

I will definitely still be popping in here to make sure all you lovely ladies are safe and well!!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
:( oh no, im so sorry hun!

Im here if u need a chat x :hug:

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