

Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
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Well I have finally made the decision to sell my car. Not a happy bunny :(

I have always had crappy little runabout cars which break down every month, so when I got on a good wage, I was like right, I'm gonna get a loan and buy myself a decent car. What I got wasn't just a 'decent' car, it was my DREAM car....seriously I love love love it.
BUT it's got to go. Repayments are technically affordable... *technically*, but I know once the babies here things are gonna be tight no matter what.
And I've still got my old car sitting in the drive so I can go back to that (although it's gonna be very frustrating!), so it's far too extravagant to have two cars.
I'm just sooo sad about it.

Sorry if anyone thinks I'm taking the piss and should be more grateful to be pregnant, of course I'm mega happy to be, and once the car's gone I'll *probably* forget about it (ok, I actually won't, but I'm putting on a brave face).
Maybe it's hormones making me emotional about a car, who knows??

Anyway, what's the biggest sacrifice you feel you're making for your baby?
Hmmm, tbh hun I'm just sort of not buying myself as many treats. Im repaying too much on catalogues atm x x
I don't know if it's because I already have a child but I haven't had to sacrifice anything this time x last time I sacrificed my friends and shoe obsession for DD x x
looking good!!

i seam to have given up shopping, and this is /has killed me, i have got some holiday clothes (i go away in 3 weeks so really need em) but besides that i have got 2 pairs of maternity jeans, 1 trousers n a new bra n a pair of shoes,

were as normally i wuda gone and spend £150 and not even batted an eye lid,lol

i wish my hubby wud give up going out n boozing we wud then have a fortune, lol but seriously i have contemplated selling my car, but we just cant live with only 1 car, hubby is a sports coach and travels from school to school across the town on a daily basis, and i work for social services going out to visit people on a daily basis sometimes, so really cant do with out them, but i just keep thinking of the money we would save... hmmm... tough isnt :(

Well i have had to give up horse riding - i don't have my own but the yard where i ride won't insure me while pregnant!! So although i have got the money from this i seem to spend it on baby stuff/ birthdays/ solicitors fees/ new work clothes but am now making the effort to save the money!!! Also I have stopped buying lunch at work to try and save a few pennies!!!
OH has sold his van so he has to use his car when he does gardening for his relatives!!
Just wanted to add that my OH has sacrificed/given up alcohol for me whilst I'm not drinking-now if only I could persuade him to sacrifice his video games!
Running, I was training for marathons when I found out I was pregnant so had to pull out... frustrating after all the training, early starts etc I had put in :(
Ahhh :-( I can sympathise with giving up car - me and hub decided last summer to sell my car and buy a "family car". I cried like a baby when we sold her, she was the first big thing that i'd bought by myself and i worked and saved sooooo hard for her, she was like my baby! Her name was Cherry. But luckily I persuaded hub that we should get the sport version of our "family car" so now I'm pretty in love with him. The car that is. But - goodness can I relate to selling :-(

Anyway...I've sacrificed a holiday, my new camera lens (I'm a full time photographer), and my body. I think that's enough...until we have to start buying for 3 instead of 2!!!

we were same sacrificed our car, we bought a 2nd hand ford focus as the 5 doors were essential with our 1 yr old and now the new baby coming soon, plus its a safer car we love it now but was so hard, why dont u compromise we paid £900 for our car 2nd hand and its amazing u can sell both ur cars and trade up for a cheap but 2nd hand one u like?

apart from that we sacrificed the ps3 for rent money, going out, shopping, eating out and alcohol all to get bills money.

but its worth it xxxx
Thanks for your replies guys!! I'm still very sad but trying to be practical, I just want to sell it straight away now so I can start mourning lol, then eventually get over it....maybe :p

My boss said to me the other day 'so I guess you're getting rid of your horse then too, you can't possibly keep it'. I was just like ARGGHH!! NO-ONE IS TAKING MY HORSE AWAY!!! My reasoning is that she's my first child, she will always be my baby and no way am I selling her! Lol I *think* my boss is joking though cos even he knows how important she is to me :)

Rhino horn - I had started running before I got pregnant, just for fitness' sake, not anything as important as a marathon, but I really miss it already!! Couldn't believe I'd ever miss exercise hehe x
I know plenty of people who keep their horses!! At least as shes yours you have the option to loan her to others should you need some extra money to help pay for her or you need more time with the baby!!! I'm sure plenty of people would pay you to hack her or just get some experience with horses!!!
Hehe that would be great tinkerbell, but the last person who tried to get on her ended up going to hospital in the air I don't think I'd risk it! She's always an absolutely perfect dobbin with me though :)
The only cost I'm worried about is hay over the winter, but I figure if I can sell my car ASAP I can start saving for that now!
Rhino horn - I had started running before I got pregnant, just for fitness' sake, not anything as important as a marathon, but I really miss it already!! Couldn't believe I'd ever miss exercise hehe x

I miss it too :(

I'm just doing spin classes now instead. It's not quite the same but forces me to keep my exercise program to 1 hour 3 times a week instead of the 2+ hours 4/5 times a week I was doing pre-preg.

I've decided I am going to enter next summer's Race for Life, I think 6-7 months is plenty of time to be able to run 5km post birth. It will be nice to have something to aim for :)
Ooh that's a good idea, plus you can always walk some of it :p
The thing I loved about running is that you can do it anytime, and it doesn't cost anything to just put on your trainers and run down the road and back! Haven't got the time/money to do anything else really, except walking, but I find walking so incredibly boring!

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