
I'm hoping I go the same way as you huni! As I sed its just brown when I wipe which is old blood so that's good I think! How far gone was you when u had ur probs? I rember you posts but cnt rember how far gone you was?? I did have a scan yesterday and they sed placenta was still attached btw, that's what stoped the section yesterday xx
I'm hoping I go the same way as you huni! As I sed its just brown when I wipe which is old blood so that's good I think! How far gone was you when u had ur probs? I rember you posts but cnt rember how far gone you was?? I did have a scan yesterday and they sed placenta was still attached btw, that's what stoped the section yesterday xx

I was in and out between 27 and around 30 weeks. The consultant told me the riskiest time is up to 34 weeks as that is when your uterus is stretching the most and this can stretch your placenta and cause it to rupture. That's good that they can see placenta is still attached and blood is now brown :-) I think one incident of bleeding they are not too worried about, but I bled on and off for like 3 weeks so they were very concerned about that. But then suddenly it just all stopped and between 30 weeks and 34 weeks placenta moved up 6cm and was no longer low lying!! So fingers crossed for you hun xx
Maybe that's what's causing my bleed if it is moving as I'm 32 weeks? Fingers crossed ey as I really do want a normal delivery :-(
Just had a spot off red blood again I so feel like curling up and dieing I've had enoth I really have :'( :'( :'(
Just had a spot off red blood again I so feel like curling up and dieing I've had enoth I really have :'( :'( :'(

Are you still in hospital? This is what kept happening to me...they said I had to go 48 hrs with no bleeding for them to discharge me...and I'd just get near the end and then I'd have some bright red spotting....it continued on and off for 10 days and meant I stayed in hospital for 16 days in total. It really was just spotting but they felt it was a sign placenta was tearing and could go at any minute....you do need to tell them about it...I know it's horrible and you just want to be at home, but you can't be too careful with low placenta because if it does rupture you can seriously heamorrhage and go into shock :-( xxx
Thinking of you and hoping the spotting goes away so you can be at home with your family.xx
Hope the bleeding goes away soon and you get out of hospital!! xx
Yea had a nice bath just to try wash the brown stuff away tmi! Hopefully it wnt happen again praying to god it dnt :(
Yea did tell them its just so dishearting and scary :-(

I know hun , I really feel for you! The silly thing is it's just a tiny amount of blood but they take it so seriously and tell you it could be a sign of serious things to come. It's all about this 'what if?' factor.....everything could be absolutely fine (as it was eventually in my case, thank God)....but if things do go wrong it can happen very quickly....my advice would be just to take each day at a time. If you remember I got told I would have to stay in hospital until the birth which at the time was 10 weeks!! But after spotting on and off for 10 days things just calmed down and they let me home....I think they expected me back but thankfully that never happened. I hated being in hospital but I accepted that at least I was in the right place if the worst happened. By the way if the worst does happen and you end up needing an emergency c section....I do know someone this happened to at 31 weeks preg...her son is now a healthy 12 year old!! xx
They almost did one monday but didn't as the placenta isn't coming away, was warned this morning that I could bleed again and they do expect me to, just want to hold off till monday when I have a scan :(
Sorry to read about this LouLou :(

You and baby will be fine, you'll see :hug:
Well no blood at all today, and I'm wiping clear now so fingers crossed home in the morning!! Hope your well lou! Sooo happy bout ur news :D xxxxx
glad it has disappeared for now. got my fingers crossed it stays that way hun. xxx
I dislike squeeky filp flops!! Girls before you pack your over night bag make sure your shoes dnt squeek! Pretty please do this as being woke by a baby is dealable but not by dam flip flops I'm tempted to hit her with them!!!
I'm freeeee!!!!! Docs been round and no active bleeding so I can go home but if I bleed again I have to dail 999 and get my ass back to hospital but I full intend to sit on my ass the next few weeks!!!!

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