
That's great news. Make sure you have plenty of rest!! xx
I'm so pleased for you hun!!!! Rest as much as you can! X

yay so pleased your allowed home. lmao at hitting her with squeeky shoes.

relax honey. xxx
I'm freeeee!!!!! Docs been round and no active bleeding so I can go home but if I bleed again I have to dail 999 and get my ass back to hospital but I full intend to sit on my ass the next few weeks!!!!

Yay that's fab news!! Defintely take it easy hun...it sounds silly but I do think that jiggling about too much can unsettle your placenta! I'm sure the reason mine stopped was I was so inactive for 16 days and all I did was grow bigger and it managed to move up!! Make sure you do no heavy lifting, not too much walking...and no sex!! That's what I was told by my consultant! Just sit at home growing your bump fatter and fatter and hopefully it'll get pulled up :-) xxx
I'm soooo keeping my fingers crossed it dnt happen again, I am trying me best to keep on me bum but me house is a tad messy at the moment and needs sorting but it can wait!! Xxx
I got told so long as its plastic then its okay a peiercer told me that its somthing about it electrocuting you if they need to resusiate you or somthing :/

Am replying at this point before finishing reading - thought it'd make you laugh, see. I was pushing my daughter out and they said, 'oh, what's that - can you take it out?' - Inbetween contractions, moments before the head crowned, I had to remove my clithood piercing! Bloody funny. Glad I did though. When I had my 2 D&Cs, I had to remove what piercings I could, and they covered the rest. I miss having my labret and nose pierced, been putting off having my labret redone, so will now need to wait til Daisy is born.

Edit: I can finish posting now :)

Glad yer home. I like the 'no jiggling' comments! I wish I knew why I bled the way I did through my first tri. Luckily I've not bled since. With my first pregnancy I was often having to stay in and I cried a lot, being left there. I've packed some better things to keep me occupied this time, in my hospital bag. And I'm hoping the spare phone I've acquired will get a signal there as my pay monthly one doesn't.

good luck, I hope everything is fine and that if baby is destined to come out earl, that it doesn't happen too early!!!
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I keep going to the toilet every five mins to check and I'm to scared to go in the kids room as that's where my bleed happened, I feel like a nervous wreak tbh, also been my midwife who have sed its 80% chance off deffo having a c-section, I'm so gutted :-(

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