Rib pain?


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
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Have been having rib pains for the last couple of weeks or so, but just wanted to check what you guys call 'rib pain' as mine feels very near the surface, almost like someone's putting a hot poker under my skin. Last night I turned over in bed too quickly and it honestly felt like the skin under my left boob had split, I put the light on and was expecting to see some sort of mark if not blood! My uterus isn't actually that high yet, so I guess it's more stuff being pushed up but it's weird that it feels painful in my skin rather than deeper inside.
Anyone else feeling this??
My rib pain is only on my right side and feels like someones trying to snap them in half!! The only way I can ease the pain is to stand up! I think mines where little man hasn't dropped so he's growing up into my ribs!
I used to get awful rib pain before bump dropped, it felt like someone sticking needles under my rib cage and like I had bruises on the underside of my ribs on the right x it's much much better now he's dropped x
is this also like a pushing feeling underneath the boobs as I get this and its so uncomfortable
the only rib pain I get is when bub's nugget foot pokes them haha X
I had this pain you describe with both pregnancies. first preg was worse than this time, ended up signed off work and MW wondering if it was gall stones. this time it is there almost constantly, like a bruise just under the skin, worse if you press it.

With my first pregnancy i had it right into labour and it was almost instantly gone after I gave birth.

sometimes i find pressing my back in certain places seems to help...
Thanks all! I just thought it was weird it was so close to the skin but can cope with it as long as it's fairly 'normal' lol

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