Pain Under Right Rib....


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2007
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Seeing midwife this week, but this pain under my right rib just doesnt seem to want to go, i am feeling very uncomfortable nowadays with a sore shoulder, back ache (all most everywhere) and this like stabbing pain under my right rib - are these just the joys of pregnancy? Plus ive also noticed as well as kicks - i can feel like this streching/poking of my skin in places - god bet i sound so stupid but is this normal? i can watch my tummy at times and see like a bump appear under my skin??? (Babys head or Bum???? or something else) Would love to get an idea of how he's lying in there....
I get a constant pain under my right rib,its just the way baby is lying,it eases off a bit when ur bump drops down. i get all sorts of shapes on my tummy depending which way baby is lying also but i find it hard to tell which bit is what,i tend to ask midwife when i go but they cant always seem to tell either lol. Its all normal though so dont worry.
I would mention the pain in ur shoulder when u go just to be on the safe side n see what she suggests. I have had backache on n off for weeks now i find a nice bath n lie down for half an hour helps to ease it. :hug:
So is just the joys of pregnancy then :lol:

Just MW have never told me postion of Baby so hopeing this time she will/or i'll ask - not a big fan of my MW's :oops:

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