Reusable Nappies info

I love the idea of cloth but I can't hack any more washing, although perhaps I'm just going through a bad phase at the moment - what with Olivia needing 3 changes of clothes a day from her starting solids and me needing 3 changes a day cos we get food everywhere I just can't bear the idea of another wash!
The first stages of weaning are definately a shock washing wise! Loads of Ella's clothes are stained. Have you tried tying a muslin round O's neck? It covers far more than just a bib. Also Matalan do bibs with detachable trays for when she's got her finger foods and drops them. :hug:
Another question girls :oops:

what do you find best for a night time nappy? Jack sleeps about 12-13 hours and i wanna do it so is really good absorbtion

I've just sorta guessed at minute but would be dead graeful to know what you do :D
what do you find best for a night time nappy? Jack sleeps about 12-13 hours and i wanna do it so is really good absorbtion
I have an Aprils Cottage night time nappy which is really absorbent. When that's in the wash I use a tots bots with a booster. I need to buy some nighttime nappies though, was thinking of the Ella's House Bum Huggers :D
This thread is fantastic!!!
I'm gonna have a proper read all the way through tomorrow when i've got a "quiet" day! lol!!!

Once i get my head round which is which i'll start stocking up so i can buy bits at a time!!!

From what i have heard pocket nappies are great for nighttime as you can stuff them as much as you like!!! i have some minki pockets and they look fantastic :D
mmmm Minki's, i just ordered a wrap and some wipes and liners from weenotions :D

i have the dog paw wraps, they dead cute

need to wiat til my drling sweet other half gets paid to get some pocket nappies , have seen an Ace Ellas house bumhugger in camaflauge
I'm only up to page 7 of reading this! :oops:
But am also browsing the links you've posted and looking for the stuff mentioned on the net and on ebay....

Have found this person selling stuff
says they're wonderoos pocket nappies... (am gonna sound silly now!) so this bit goes on the baby and you fill the pocket with fleece liners? Then you get a wrap that goes over the top?

Is that right? I'm trying to get my head round it so i can start building up stock, little by little! :oops:

If i can make sense of it!!! From what i've read (please correct me if i've got it wrong!)

I need a couple of pocket nappies - good for nighttimes?
a few pre shapes (about 20) - for everyday use? These are easiest to start off with?
and lots of funky wraps?

If you could do me a list of what you would recommend getting so that i can start building up a collection? (like a shopping list kind of thing!) lol!!

Sorry to be a pain! I've seen some really good bargains on ebay like - ... dZViewItem but cos i don't know what i'm talking about i don't want to buy them!! lol!!!

(i know you probably all think i'm crazy cos i've not even got my bfp!) :oops:
I am!! :moon:


Hayley your a cloth head :cheer:

on page 11 is a list of what i got if thats any help

also bought more fleece liners
ha ha!!!
I want to be a cloth head!!!
Oooo will get to page 11 eventually!!!
(i keep reading pages, then processing the info, then coming back!!)

I'll end up "borrowing a baby" to practise on!! ha ha! :cheer:

(hope you don't all think i'm nuts!)

:rotfl: I don't think your nuts, i am convinced :rotfl:
HayleyB - pocket nappies you stuff with inserts, not fleece liners. You can get alsorts of types of material from hemp to towelling. Some are more absorbent than others :) You don't need a wrap with these hon.

Shaped nappies are great for daytime use - you put a fleece liner inside and a wrap over the top. Only thing is they can be quite bulky.

Fire away with any Qs hon :hug:
Just to add a little to that, you can also stuff them with prefolds aswell :)
Oooooooooo cool!! Thank you!!
Makes more sense now!!!
Will go and do some research and any questions will be back here!! lol!!

Yay hayley, another cloth head. I don't think you're nuts, just addicted like the rest of us.

Wonderros don't need any outer wrap as they are pocket nappies.

Those totsbots are a really good deal, and the nippas are easy to use once you have done a couple :D
which reminds me i need to buy some nippas for my natrual baby newborn nappy :)
I think I've shrunk my tots bots :cry: I tumbled them a couple times and my drier is real hot. They don't seem as roomy anymore and definately not as long!

Uh oh!
do you know what i was just thinking exactly the same, i think i forgot to alter the temp on it as i usually do it on low :(
I've had two poos come over the back of the nappy into the wrap :puke:

That's about 12 nappies that was supposed to last til she was 35lb! And my wee notion nappy snaps aren't closing properly :wall: :wall: :wall:

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