Reusable Nappies info

Jo it's never too late to change :)

I think that shaped nappies are best - IMO you need enough for 3 days, so I would see how many disposables you get through and then you should have an idea :)

You don't need to wash your wraps after every nappy change, I just wipe mine down. If you use shaped nappies like tots bots then you will need either fleece or disposable liners to go in them. So all you need to do with a shaped nappy is put a liner inside, pop in on your bub, then put the wrap over the top. Easy peasy :D

Beanie I love the swaddlebees too, but they're expensive :( If you buy one let me know how you get on!

Cassi - I use non bio on my nappies with no fabric conditioner. I do also use soapnuts as they are totally natural, but as the nappies have been a bit whiffy of late I have reverted to non-bio for the past few washes.
Thanks Kina thats really helpful, i am just ploughing throuh various sites now!!!

would it be ok if i spotted something to contact you for your opinion?

I am getting exited about it now lol, only thing is Oh don't get paid for another 2 week, and i want everything NOW!!! :rotfl:
I am getting exited about it now lol, only thing is Oh don't get paid for another 2 week, and i want everything NOW!!!

use DH's credit card :lol:
shhh i was thinking about that :rotfl:
Quietly sneak it out of his wallet and hide under the keyboard.....plead innocence when the statement comes through
I would but he is at footie traing at minute, will have to wiat 'til he fall asleep lol :sleep:
Ok another question for you if you don't mind and i am sorry if i am making you repeat yourself :oops:

What brands do you use for nappie and wraps? mixed or same?

what liners do you use?

what kind of wraps do you use fleese plastic cotton???

there is so much out there i am really confused :?
Everyone look here, Jo is going to buy some nappies. She's going to be an addict!!!!!!!!!!

yep go with the shaped nappies. There are loads of links in this thread (look at the wacky wraps, they are so cute). I have too many nappies but 15 is plenty.

Kina, will have to wait for next month before getting a swaddlebee, how cute are they. Bet they are really soft.

Cassi, use non bio. I only put a tiny bit in though as otherwise your nappies can smell musty. I also put in a tiny bit of nappi san (get mine from wilkos) if they are soiled. Every second wash Ii give them an extra rinse to make sure there isn't a build up of soap, and if you want them to smell even nicer a couple of drops of either lavender or tea tree oil.

Jo if you see any post the link here and if any6 of us have used them we can give opinions :D
jo said:
What brands do you use for nappie and wraps? mixed or same?
I use bambino mios prefolds and wrapd. I also have tots bots, little lamb,weenotions and cuddlebun shaped nappies Ii have minki and weenotions pocket nappies. Wraps- weenotions and tots bots.

jo said:
what liners do you use?
At the moment I am using paper liners as I have a load of them but I like fleece, I find they are more absorbant.

jo said:
what kind of wraps do you use fleese plastic cotton???
all my wraps are PUL but i am going to buy a fleece one next month. fleece is great for night time but only if your baby moves around. when they are small they tend to lie in one position for a while and this can cause wicking to clothes etc.
Beanie i am soooooo excited how sad is that????

I have just been looking at these ... oryID=2696

or would i be better just going for loads (15?) white shaped nappies and then getting funky wraps??

*EDIT-* so them funky things i have seen Seren in are actual nappys,? i thought they were wraps
I have a couple Nature Baby wraps but I don't really like them as they're too small. Same goes for my NB pocket nappy.

Right, to get your started then you probably would be better off with white shaped nappies and funky wraps. If you buy Tots Bots then the Wee Notions wraps fit very well over the top of them, I used size 2 TBs with large wraps.

Pocket nappies are basically the liner and wrap in one, you just stuff inbetween the two layers with boosters of your choice. If you do decide to go down this route then I can let you know what boosters I use. I love Wee Notions pockets, they're very cute :)

Shaped nappies are ideal to get started with then you can venture into the world of different types of nappies :)
Can't answer for the Mios as I haven't used them, but those are like the liners I use :) The woman I get them from is shutting down though and didn't have much for sale when I checked with her a couple days ago.

What I would recommend though is if you're planning on letting bub around in just a t-shirt and nappy to show off the wrap that you go for ones with poppers (like Wee Notions) as he'll have velcro ones off no problems!!
That person has quite a few of those liners, couldn't believe how cheap they were.

Thank you for the heads up on the poppers i never thought about that :lol:
Yes go for the poppers as in the early hours of the morning I remember thinking "why can I hear velcro ripping" and found Seren in a wet patch bless her lol. She doesn't usually do it mind.

tHE REALLY FUNKY ONES i HAVE ARE THE POCKET NAPPIES, WHICH i USE FOR NIGHT TIME. dURING THE DAY i USE EITHER MY MIOS OR THE SHAPED NAPPIES WITH THE WRAP (sorry left caps on) and then she has a pocket nappy which I stuff with her prefolds though you can use other things. I just find the pockets good for night time as you can stuff them as much as you want.

I agree with Kina, shaped nappies are the best to start with. :D

and no you are not sad for being excited. I bought a new weenotions wrap (the turquiose spotty one Kina) and I can't wait to get it :cheer:
My OH now thinks i have gone mad ( well madder) i have been on the net on and off since i first asked for advice!!!!!! :rotfl:

been looking at loads of differant sites and stuff, i think i have settled on tots bots nappies and weenotions for the wraps.

I think will stick with the shaped nappies as i have co-ordination problems when it comes to putting a sling on, nevermind a nappy :D

if i am not being too cheeky were do you buy yours from?

you will be sorry you answered me in the first place as i have a feeling i will do your head in with questions :doh:
Well I have just ordered my kit from Little Lambs :D

Thought I would just let you know if anyone is thinking of buying the special kit for £99 that th eprice is going up this week to £125 I believe, so you may want to get in there now.......

Thanks for all your help, I'll let you know how I am getting on in October when LO arrives.
Jo ask away, I love talking about cloth and now OH ignores me so its great to have this thread.

I buy my tots bots from the actual site tots botsi think, they do a great starter pack which is 15 nappies either in white or in the rainbow tots (so cute). I get my wraps either from weenotions , minki , and kittykins (especially the wacky wraps.

Look on ebay too, there can be some good deals there.
TinaOct said:
Well I have just ordered my kit from Little Lambs :D

Thought I would just let you know if anyone is thinking of buying the special kit for £99 that th eprice is going up this week to £125 I believe, so you may want to get in there now.......

Thanks for all your help, I'll let you know how I am getting on in October when LO arrives.

When you get your nappies wash them twice on a 60 degrees wash before use aas this will start getting them more absorbant. Just a bit of non bio is all that is needed. Good luck hun, any questions just holler :D

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