Reusable Nappies info

Ok thanks..well little lambs are doing a pack of 20 nappies and some wraps and extras etc for £99..but as i already have some small and medium nappies i wont need 20 of one size and they have this pack in size 1 and 2 so i emailed them asking if they would combine the pack with 10 of each size instead...think they will do it?

cas xx
I'm not sure, but it was definately worth asking :D

I went for size twos as I didn't change over til Ella was 4 months, but I dont think I would've gone for the one size ones as like Beanie says they aren't supposed to fit as well as the sized :)
Oh ok, i am still waiting for a responce from little lambs so hopefully they will get back to me soon so i can decide what to you think that it is a good idea for me to go for the little lambs 10 of each size if they will do it for me for £99? i already have quite a few nappies and wraps in various sizes now anyway i also got some second hand from people selling them on a forum at quite a good price..spent another £90 yesterday!!! im so addicted lol!!!

Ps: Admin can we make this a sticky cause it keeps getting lost and i think it may be of help to more people in the future.

cas xx
I would have thought they would do that Cassi, after all its a sale. I have some little lamb nappies (got them for £3 each) and I like them. They do seem a bit smaller then tots bots but Seren is a skinny baby so thats not too bad but because she is long they can be like hipsters lol. I like them though, they wash well and are absorbant.
I took your advice and got me some little lambs..i was flicking through ebay and found 21 little lambs size 1 with 5 proraps, 3 diaperwraps and 2 junior joy wraps with 7 boosters and i got them for £46.00 :D bargain. I also found someone was selling one of them big johnsons baby bath boxes (the purple one) that comes with a few johnsons bits in. Well she was selling it cause her baby is allergic to all bath stuff, must of got it all before he/she was born and got loads of stuff to add to it.

2 bars baby soap
1 lightoil spray
2 soft wash
1 moustourising cream
1 baby powder
1 baby lotion
1 baby bath bedtime
1 baby bath
1 baby bath with oil

baby bath
baby shampoo
baby lotion

body and hair wash
magic cream
magic talc

And the johnsons toiletry case.

All new, £10!!! plus £11 for postage not bad eh :D i love ebay!!!

Received wee notions package yesterday and some nappies i bought off some people on a forum as extra's and to try out different kinds.

Also bought a couple off andee's kool kids, a duck wrap :D and a puppy wrap (with ears and everything!!) lol

So as soon as they arrive i will post pics of all nappies. All i have got to get now is some reusable wipes and the bin, liner, and nappy bag. Have spent about £260 on them now!!! :shock:

Cas xx
:cheer: Great price on the Little Lambs and toiletries :D

I just bought a nappy bag to go inside my bin from wee notions. It only cost £3.50 and all you do is lift it out with all the nappies in and put it in the wash. My bin is just a swing bin type one from Tescos :)
Much easier!!! thanks for the tip i was expencting to have to handle them one by one to put them in the wash :puke: :D
I always use a laundery net but to be honest it really doesn't bother me anymore to touch dirty nappies from time to time.

Got a new minki pocket, the inside is a very bright green, its really funky.

aww thats cute and she is soo scrummy!!!! :D i love the minki pockets...they are really my rainbow wrap the other day..also loving my dog wrap got ears and everything and the nose sqeaks lmao!!
Just spotted your pic Beanie, that nappy is soooo bright and funky, it's lush :D

Cassi are you going to try reusable wipes? If so this is a good solution to use that clears up any soreness in no time (if no soreness then just water is fine for us :D)

Camomile tea (I use the organic t bags from Holland & Barrett) steeped for a good 10 mins
few drops of lavender oil and a couple of t-tree.

Smells great and you know exactly what's gone into it, unlike disposable ones ;) :lol:

Lavender oil is also great to use when you're washing your nappies. I use soapnuts and a few drops of oil in the conditioner draw and my nappies come up clean, fluffy and smell lovely :D

Actually I use the oil for loads of stuff, after the next baby I am going to try Lucy's tip for using it on maternity pads to help my lady bit heal :D
I think il use both reusable and disposable wipes .. i will also mix fleece and disposable liners too...I dont think alan would be impressed with a fleece liner though lol!!

cas xx
Hey Ladies

Thought I would join in on this thread as I am hoping to use cloth nappies but finding it all a bit of a mindfield :wall:

I also like the look of the littlelambs £99 pack and also the bambino Mio pack, see attached ... int?N=2084

What do people think of these offers? I am a bit worried about the prefold, are they a pain or quite easy?

Thanks for you advice, I am sure once I get started it will all just fall into place :D
Hey Tina, and welcome to the wondeful world of cloth :D

I use prefolds, the bambino mio ones and I find them ok. Once you gte the hang of the fold it is easy. However the little lamb are shaped nappies which are the easiest system to use so I would perhaps go towards them at the mo. The best shaped nappy is the tots bots one but I also use little lamb.Any questions ask away :D
Well i got my little lambs and they were abit hard (if u see what i mean) where they have been washed so i got some frabric softener and washed them again and they havnt really softened this normal for the little lambs? and is there anyway i can soften them up?

cas x
Cassi - you shouldn't use fabric conditioner on nappies as this stops them from being as absorbent. Do you live in a hard water area? How did you dry the nappies? I *think* white vinegar in the softener draw is supposed to help with nappies that are a bit crispy. All my nappies apart from the tots bots rainbows and sometimes the white tots bots are fine (those are a bit rougher).

Beanie - I used cloth on Ella from 4 months so went straight into size 2 applix tots bots and you know all the other types I use lol. Do you think I should buy a size 1 starter pack from Tots Bots in October at the baby show?

And welcome Tina :D
As they are applix I would say yeah buy size ones (but if you get nippa I'd get size 2 as they can be adjusted). Did you get any fluffles size 2? They can be adjusted to fit new baby's. However to be honest I would just get shopping again (think of all those cute nappies you can buy)

Cassi, fabric conditioner is not recommended but like Kina suggested white vinegar is meant to be good. I live in a hard water area and my tots and lambs get crunchy so I dry them mainly on the line then put them in the tumble dryer for a little while to soften them. Also try an extra rinse cycle after you have washed them :D
ohh thanks for info yeah i live south so hard water i will take them to my moms and wash them there lol!!!!

dried them on drying rack outside cause we dont have a tumble dryer atm it tried to blow up! lol

will try the vinegar thing, thanks. What else do you use? we use the comfort tablet things.
Ok girls i am sooo convinced about reusables, do you think i have left it a bit late to start or do you think it will be fine 'cos i will need less as he is now older???

to make it easier for me as i am still confused could someone please write me a quick list of what i will need? i just saw a cute wrap with a tractor on it!!

thank you sweeties

*do you use shaped nappies then nappy wrap or do you fold your own? the shaped ones look best to me, but you are the experts*

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