Reusable Nappies info

What they've done on the magicalls is reduce them to £9 each, so if you bought 3 then it would be the same as buying 2 at the unreduced price.... I bought 4 of those, the carnation one, 1 raspberry and 2 lilac.
but under where it says 3 for 2 offer it says or £9 each?? would of thought if they did a 3 for 2 offer they would of left the original price unless someone bought 3 :doh: lol...
What do you plan on buying to start you off?
Ive been looking through all the websites and recommendations and have settled on the totsbots fluffle multipack to get started. Oh and some reuse liners.

Beanie, kina
Will 15 fluffles be enough for starters? I dont want to spend a fortune in case things dont work out.
15 is the recommended number. You will prbably be washing every day, or every other day with a new born but this will soon settle down.

I love the fluffles, they are so squishy (and you can fold them down for a newborn and they are so cute).
Aw flip, that fairy one is so cute.
(must not buy fairys in case its boy, must not buy fairys in case its boy, must not buy fairys in case its boy, must not buy fairys in case its boy, must not buy fairys in case its boy, ) mutter mutter. :rotfl:
lauramum01 said:
Aw flip, that fairy one is so cute.
(must not buy fairys in case its boy, must not buy fairys in case its boy, must not buy fairys in case its boy, must not buy fairys in case its boy, must not buy fairys in case its boy, ) mutter mutter. :rotfl:


dog one is cute as well
Oooooh they've sold out of the fairy one in Ella's size!! Beanie you bought them all :roll: ;)

Anyway you Happy Clappy Nappy wipes pusher, you can't talk ;)

I love nappies so much, I think we need a Nappies Anonymous support group :lol:

A mum at my baby group just got started on reusables and bought 25 factory seconds which look just like Tots Bots for £30. As far as I could see the only thing wrong with them is that the tops had a few loose threads, she got them from Ebay but I can't find them on there. I was going to buy a smaller set for the next baby.
kitty kins is where i ordered some of the other ones...i did look at the wacky wraps but will wait and get some when i get paid at end of month...

I am just pick n mixing at the moment and buying lots of different ones..but i do think i will buy a pack much is the fuzzy buns back u are getting?

cas xx
it was about £150 for 15 nappies and 4 wraps from totsbots but im going to have to order them today or soon as there is a 4 week delay.

That will still leave me wipes and liners to buy and im also going to get some big size ones so i can use them sometimes on jess till she is potty trained. I will get her some funky wraps as well. Her nappies though are a nightmare just now, Im thinking of taking her to the docs as every nappie is a runny one( sorry tmi), its as if everything is going through her. I havent had a sollid nappy in weeks and its making her unsure if when she has done a no2, she was starting to tell me.
Well i spent 80 the other day and the ones from twinkle twinkle and kitty kins came today so i have in total 1 pocket nappy, 3 nappies, and 2 wraps. I have some more to come in the post though. Cant remember what i ordered though, it was from weenotions. Its some more nappies and wraps but not very many! gosh this is going to be expensive. Put them all in the baby hospital bag and have noticed another downsider to clothies, is that they take up alot of space! lol..but i still love em :D

Also bought a new baby pack from babys r us yesterday...avent electronic steriliser, breast pump with 2 small bottles and teats and the closed lids aswell, breast pads and some other little things but i dont know what they are yet lol!! a magic cup and 2 bigger bottles..its really good..all that was £40!! we looked at the steriliser on its own and it was £34 and the pump was £25 alone! bargain :D
Id get to babys r us for your basics while the sales are on they have really good prices! they have a graco baby swing..sooo cute!!!! reduced from £100 to £50...!! Also mamas and papas sale is the pliko pramette for £250 in city scape, went into john lewis and it was still £360!!!! sorry kind of went off nappy topic lol
You have been busy cassi. It will work about cheaper in the end its just weird spending so much cash at once on nappies. Im lucky in that I have a lot of the basics from 1st time around but thats good to know about the graco swing as that is something I need. Im going to get different bottles thoug, although im try bf again. I dont want jess to get mixed up so a different brand will be tried.
I got the dr browns ones..they are meant to be really good :D
:lol: It is an expensive addiction ;) I'm waiting for my wipes and a new nappy from Happy Clappy Nappy, it's exciting!
Im waiting for pay day them im going to get wipes, a few nappies for jess and the coorie and a toy coorie for jess.

I had read good things about the dr brownes. I fanced the tommee tippee ones shaped like a breast but they didnt get a good write up in mother and baby. But that doesnt go for much as the avent did get a good write up and there werent many folk on here that agreed with that.
lauramum01 said:
Im waiting for pay day them im going to get wipes, a few nappies for jess and the coorie and a toy coorie for jess.

I had read good things about the dr brownes. I fanced the tommee tippee ones shaped like a breast but they didnt get a good write up in mother and baby. But that doesnt go for much as the avent did get a good write up and there werent many folk on here that agreed with that.

I quite like the tommee tippee ones, got 2 for Seren when she went to nursery and she seems to like them. Saying that she is such a milk addict she would drink it out off a tin can if she had to.

Cassi post pics of what you bought.
Ok will do .. the pic will be of the twinkle and kitty kins order, the weenotions hasnt come yet . will do it now

cas xx
Will get pics of everything i have bought and put them in a seperate thread will tell you when i done it.
Beanie and Kina, just wondering why you chose to buy the sized nappies instead of the one size i.e motherease? Im stuck between motherease and little lamb/tots bots etc sized but at the moment it seems like motherease would end up much cheaper cause i wouldnt need to buy another lot when baby grows out of them?

cas xx
I personally don't like the one sized as whilst they are adjustable etc I find that they don't fit as well for newborns etc. Plus if you don't like the nappy you are stuck with it. However I know others that have really liked them. If you have a large baby you can use the tots bots nippa fluffles size 2 as a birth to potty nappy as they are really easy to fold.

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