return of pregnancy symptoms 2 weeks after miscarriage?


Nov 21, 2011
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I'm really sorry for the length of this post, but would really really appreciate it if someone would read it anyway. I'm confused and anxious about it all.

I started to bleed on the morning of 6th November at 5 weeks pregnant. There was a lot of clotting but only small ones and the bleeding had mostly stopped by the next afternoon. By the next day there was just a little brownish discharge.

I had had sore breasts from only a few days after ovulation probably took place and just felt *different* in the same way I did when pregnant with my son (now 4). These feelings were almost gone by the day after the bleeding started and I took a pregnancy test on the 14th to see if hCG levels were low enough by then to not register on the high sensitivity tests. I got a very clear negative.

My partner currently lives in the US and flew straight back when I started to miscarry and was here the following day. We had sex the day after that because the bleeding had stopped and it felt natural to be close in that way to connect and comfort emotionally. He had to leave on the evening of 15th to go back to work, so the last time we had sex was 9.5 days after the miscarriage began.

I know the first day of bleeding acts as the equilavent of LMP date, and sperm can survive for up to at least 72 hours max. Yesterday my breasts began to feel tender and a little swollen again and today they are very sore and sort of tingly and the veins stand out (from the skin near the nipple, and just in colour on the rest of the breasts). The sensation is actually quite a bit stronger than when I was pregnant earlier this month, they just aren't as swollen. I also just feel strange.

The only other thing I could realistically attribute this to is an early period, but that short a cycle after hCG levels falling makes even less biological sense than being pregnant again, and my breasts are only ever so slightly tender the day or 2 before my period. I have been getting very mild period style cramps since this afternoon and a slight metallic taste in the back of my throat like when pregnant before.

It's upsetting me because it feels kind of like my body is messing with me. The baby was a surprise (we had one night of unprotected sex - the first time we ever had), but once we'd talked it all through and become used to the idea it was very much wanted. While my partner was here we decided we would actually like to *try* for a baby when he returns in March.
I guess really I'd just like opinions on whther you think it's possible I could be pregnant again so fast, and if not then what might be going on. It would make absolute sense for symtoms to continue for a while after the loss, but not for them to go completely for 2 weeks then return just as strong as ever.

I am far to anxious about it all to tolerate just waiting and seeing without talking it through with others who have had similar experiences.
I'd really appreciate any response. Thank you. :)

Fae. x
Hun, I'm so sorry for your loss X

I would say that after my MMC I had really strong symptoms of pregnancy and it turned out at the time my ovulation symptoms for me were really simular to my preg ones, and I was not pregnant. It could be your body adjusting and getting back on track, but I would keep an eye out to see f you period arrives as normal just incase - hang in there
I thought I ovulated 9 days after my miscarriage, but no af yet and no bfp. My cycle was really messed up, so I've no idea when I really ovulated.
If you happened to ovulate quickly after mc (and I've read it can happen due to a mix up in hormones) then there is of course a chance you could be pregnant.
There is also a chance that you are imagining the symptoms due to the emotional time you're having just now. The body does cruel things I'm afraid.
Best thing to do it test test and more test!! Best of luck xx
Thank you all.
It's *definitely* not imagination. I never have any signs with ovulation, and with period just bad cramps the 2 days before and sometimes slightly tender breasts. My breasts are now more sore than when I was pregnant a few weeks ago, so something is definitely not right, no matter what it is. It's not just a little tenderness, they're swollen and so sore I can barely touch them. It's just odd because the symtoms had been totally gone for nearly 2 weeks.
I forgot to mention it's also important I know as soon as possible because I'm on 2 medications that are very potentially dangerous especially in the first trimester and particularly first few weeks. When I found out a month or so ago and saw my Dr to confirm I was told to start decreasing quite rapidly, even though that had some adverse effects and risks to me. I hadn't got down to none by the time I miscarried ,and then increased them back to normal over the last 2 weeks. I'd need to do the same as soon as possible this time, preferably as soon as possible after implanation (if not before) but if it's unlikely to be pregnancy it's better to not mess around with them again.

This baby stuff is all so complicated!
Mummytoo2boys: Did you have any symptoms with the baby that you lost, and did you have any (and when) with this one before you tested?
I every symptom under the sun huni with my mc pregnancy then 2-3 weeks later started getting all them again, sore boobs was the most significant sign. I tested the day after AF was due and got my BFP xx
Thank you.

It just seems so very unlikely to be possible, but I guess bodies do weird things sometimes. I'd assume my period would be due on 4th December assuming a 28 day cycle (though this would have had to be 24 day to work, I think)

That seems so very far away!
Thank you.

It just seems so very unlikely to be possible, but I guess bodies do weird things sometimes. I'd assume my period would be due on 4th December assuming a 28 day cycle (though this would have had to be 24-25 day to work, I think)

That seems so very far away! do I actually delete a post, please? I figured out after posting it that I'd typed in the wrong place when trying to edit and now know how to do that!
I had an early M/c at the end of September and was pregnant again at the end of October (alas this didn't work out either and was 3rd M/c for me)

I am not sure when I ov'd but I used my LMP to gauge when I'd be most fertile and I got preggers.

I wish I'd given myself a bit of a break to be honest! But yes OP it's def possible....
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