7 days late and negative test...

Good luck ladies hope use get a BFP :).. Im 4 days late with period cramps on & off :eh:.. Tested 23 &26 feb And got BFN but i think it was too early.. Going to test tomorrow.. x
That happened to me too. I was a week late so did a test and it was negative (that was on a thursday night), I was really dissapointed but still felt pregnant, Still hadn't come on by the saturday so did another test and it was poisitive. You can get a false negative but not a false positive. It could be that you wern't far enough along to tell on the first test. Good luck xx
Just seen this, goodluck heartbroken, my fingers and toes are crossed for your bfp x x

Fingers crossed for you girls that you have just got shy :bfp:

Keep positive ladies, the whole time the :witch: is away, your still in with a very good chance


Good luck heartbroken :clover:

Sony - good plan re doctors! Hope you get some answers there xx
I've noticed pinkish spotting and more cramping today... not sure what this means? x
14 days late, slight pink spotting... went to the docs today and they did another test which was negative. They weren't that helpful really. I said I wanted to know what was going on and they said that their tests are pretty accurate. I asked if there was a blood test I could have and they said to see if there are no changes in a week or two then go back... is this right??
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Seems like a lot of doctors are like that hun, which is rubbish. I'm day 14 too, think I'm just gonna hold out now and see if she arrives this month?! I'm reluctant to go the dr's as I'm sure they'll just tell me too wait too. Hope you get some answers soon. Pm me if you need anyone to talk too as I'm going through exactly the same :( x
Awh thanks ladies :).. Done a test yesterday, got a BFN! Not that dissapointed tho.. Still no sign of AF.. Hopefully its a shy BFP :).. Good luck ladies xx
That happened to me too. I was a week late so did a test and it was negative (that was on a thursday night), I was really dissapointed but still felt pregnant, Still hadn't come on by the saturday so did another test and it was poisitive. You can get a false negative but not a false positive. It could be that you wern't far enough along to tell on the first test. Good luck xx

Really hun wow. that gives me some hope now xx
Seems like a lot of doctors are like that hun, which is rubbish. I'm day 14 too, think I'm just gonna hold out now and see if she arrives this month?! I'm reluctant to go the dr's as I'm sure they'll just tell me too wait too. Hope you get some answers soon. Pm me if you need anyone to talk too as I'm going through exactly the same :( x

I think it's best to wait... it wasn't nice being fobbed off like that! I will go back if nothing has happened in the next week or so... I think the key is to keep bugging them!!

I'm still getting cramps and have had some pinkish/brown spotting so things aren't looking too good here but I am a great believer that everything happens for a reason and maybe this is not the right time for me but if it is then so be it :)

I am wishing all you ladies all the best with your results... keep us updated!! xxx
How is everyone getting on here?
I am 6 days late and sztuck in limbo land too!
Be good to see how all u other girls with late AF's are getting on???

I'm 14 days late now, hate being stuck in limbo. I did do an eBay cheapie test this morning and I think I saw what was a very very faint line but to be honest ive peed on that many sticks lately I think my eyes are making things up lol
I know what you mean. you wait the 2ww and you think that will be it either PG or not, but then your body has other ideas and makes you wait some more.

Fx to everyone
I have had a week of really heavy bleeding and cramping, still getting sickness, boobs are bigger, urinating more frequently and am soooo bloated, the funny thing is, I feel PG... I wonder what this means?! If I still feel like this in a week I am going to go and have some tests done because this isn't right.

How is everyone else doing? xxx

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