we brought a different baby home from the hospital!!!! I thnk we've hit the nail on the head with the pregestimil - milk intolerence. Since trying normal formula, I've been waiting for 24/7 screaming like Daniel had, which hasn't happened thank goodness. But comparing his mood yesterday and last night with how he's been for the last few weeks, I'm amazed!! His sleeping is relaxed, he's not squirming, doesn't want picking up whenever he's awake, and he's proper zonking when he is asleep. He went from 9pm to 7am last night
The paed was pretty annoyed with my HV for not referring him sooner with Callum and Daniels history - I don't know whether she's prescribed everything possible to prove a point!!! Hopefully we're not going to need it all and we'll get away with unthickened pregestimil or soya and zantac or even gaviscon. I'm going to be extremely pissed off if he's got asthma though - Callum has never had it because he was put on milk free at two weeks old, Daniel has it bad. If the HV hadn't pushed us to try normal formula when he was doing OK on soya, would he have asthma???? If she'd referred him when we first said he had reflux rather than insisting we did the 1oz every hour first, would he have a chest infection??? grrrrrr i'm getting cross now
Keep pushing everybody - I'm on a mission now to rid the world of evil health visitors that have their heads up their arses!!!
Sami, I'm the lucky one - we've been through this twice before and know what to expect. I remember how it was first time round, but they're worth it (well, not too sure whether it was with Daniel now he's a stroppy teenager

One last thing and I'll stop rambling. He's got a proper baby waaawaaaawaaa cry again instead of the grating scream he's been doing - thats the thing I'm most pleased about!!!
tracy xx