
Thanks Layla, Rubie doesn't have reflux, but she spews a lot, I will try those suggestions :)
Just one point though, isn't it bad for their spine if they are sitting upright for too long? They tell you not to leave them in the car seat fir more than 2 hours because they need to lie flat???
there back is still flat in that mattress thing, its only if they are curved, car seats and bouncers have a curved shaped that there backs fall in to

Ah right, sorry :oops: Just me being thick lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Cheers for that Layla - these are tricks already tried with Damien since he was a few weeks old, he is still a sod though.

Cor Tracey, poor little Alex is having a time of it! I should think myself lucky. They didn't give us a monitor no but we have a monitor already. The alarm I think wakes them back up and gets them breathing again sometimes.

Damien seems to have jumped a couple of steps back and is being horrid again. Can't wait to wean him. I'm ho[ing they agree to let me start at 4 months old for him, if we have to wait till 7 months so he is 6 months corrected then I'll go potty an he'll get fed up!
Sami you said
I have heard of babies with reflux being weaned earlier though to settle it?
this is wat my ped suggested, Jake was 13 wks wen he told me to start weaning and as ive said before he also suggested no more than 4oz of milk at one time and Jake's reflux has completely gone now :lol:
Hey girls

Sorry I kinda lost this thread :D

Since going to Enfamil all the time instead of breast milk (ouch my sore boobs) Naomi seems to be hungrier, and wants feeding three hourly during the day, but will go most of the night through at this stage. During feeding she doesn't throw up as much as she used to, but she's really hard to burp and if I take my eye off the ball and let her go too long, she will bring up a good bit of feed with her wind. After feeding, though, that's when the fun begins. I have her mattress on a very slight incline, but it seems not to do the trick any more. She basically spends about a half an hour sicking up slightly every few minutes, but it's usually water mixed with white curds (sorry). She hasn't ever seemed bothered by the reflux but she gets VERY bothered when she's hungry or constipated, which she tends to be a little more lately.

we brought a different baby home from the hospital!!!! I thnk we've hit the nail on the head with the pregestimil - milk intolerence. Since trying normal formula, I've been waiting for 24/7 screaming like Daniel had, which hasn't happened thank goodness. But comparing his mood yesterday and last night with how he's been for the last few weeks, I'm amazed!! His sleeping is relaxed, he's not squirming, doesn't want picking up whenever he's awake, and he's proper zonking when he is asleep. He went from 9pm to 7am last night :D

The paed was pretty annoyed with my HV for not referring him sooner with Callum and Daniels history - I don't know whether she's prescribed everything possible to prove a point!!! Hopefully we're not going to need it all and we'll get away with unthickened pregestimil or soya and zantac or even gaviscon. I'm going to be extremely pissed off if he's got asthma though - Callum has never had it because he was put on milk free at two weeks old, Daniel has it bad. If the HV hadn't pushed us to try normal formula when he was doing OK on soya, would he have asthma???? If she'd referred him when we first said he had reflux rather than insisting we did the 1oz every hour first, would he have a chest infection??? grrrrrr i'm getting cross now :evil:

Keep pushing everybody - I'm on a mission now to rid the world of evil health visitors that have their heads up their arses!!!

Sami, I'm the lucky one - we've been through this twice before and know what to expect. I remember how it was first time round, but they're worth it (well, not too sure whether it was with Daniel now he's a stroppy teenager :wink: :roll: )

One last thing and I'll stop rambling. He's got a proper baby waaawaaaawaaa cry again instead of the grating scream he's been doing - thats the thing I'm most pleased about!!! :)

tracy xx
I'm pleased things are so much better already!! Maybe we should try Damien on milk free stuff?
I'm going to take him back to the doctors today and try and get to see a paed because he had another apnoea attack last night and it took a while for him to get out of it. I am normally quite calm when the alarm has gone off because it is fairly easy to get to breathe again normally, but last night he took alot of persuading, although thankfully not resus.
If it really is reflux related then surely his meds aren't working? He still grunts, cries, won't settle, and only settles on my chest (they get more oxygen when they lay on you don't they so I presume it is this - that or he is clingy because of his reflux now too)

Lisa - 13 weeks wow that it soon, that's only another 3 weeks away for Damien! Was that full weaning or just onto once or twice a day solids?

Another question...I was told if you leave Milk with Gavsicon on the side the milk will turn jelly like, but I have NEVER found this to happen. What am I doing wrong? It just seems to break up into bits.
try soya - it'll be obvious in a couple of days whether it works. 50% of babies that have milk lactose intolerence (which soya solves) also have milk protein intolerence (which soya doesn't solve), so if it doesn't work, try asking for pregestimil (or one of the other sorts). It can be a nightmare trying to keep them milk free as they get older, but it's a lot easier than dealing with a grumpy bum baby 24/7

As adults, 90 odd % of us are milk intolerent, we just don't notice it because we don't rely on milk for 100% of our diet.

Sami you says

Lisa - 13 weeks wow that it soon, that's only another 3 weeks away for Damien! Was that full weaning or just onto once or twice a day solids?

Hi Sami we started of just tiny amount of baby rice at lunchtime for 1 wk then we upped it to lunchtime and tea time for another week by this time he was 15wks and we started introducing a baby cereal in the morns, he took to all the new tastes and textures very well, I do believe introducing solids and cutting down his feeds to no more than 4oz was definatly wat stopped his reflux! wen the ped suggested it I thot no way is this gonna make a difference! boy was I wrong :oops: Do you bottle or breast feed?
I bottle feed Lisa.

Tracey - can you buy Soya milk in the shops? Can you still add Gaviscon to it do you know?
You can get it at supermarkets or chemists - we're in the back of beyond and have no trouble getting it. We used WySoy - it's an SMA one so it's usually with the other SMAs - it's about £10. enfamil do the best specialist milks, but they're v. expensive off the shelf.

You should be able to add gaviscon. When we got Callum off pregestimil we added thickener to it and it didn't do anything nasty. Its not pre thickened

Do you use gaviscon and ranitidine together? The zantac has reduced the amount of stomach acid he's bringing up between feeds, but he's having problems sucking his gloop so we're not using much thickener, or spoon feeding it. The paed told us to use gaviscon if he couldn't suck, but not whether to stop the zantac. There's no way he'll put up with an NGT so i'm hoping we can do both. Does gaviscon thicken the milk a lot? - with the right amount of thickener, his milk is like wallpaper paste
The Gaviscon has made us go from teat size 1 to 2 (slow to medium) but other than that it really doesn't thicken it much, just adds bits to it :?

We give him Ranitide 3 x a day orally and Domperidone 4 x a day orally, and Gaviscon every feed in his bottle, so yeah together, but we have to give the Ranitidine and Domperidone at least 20minutes before a bottle, which is definately a pain when he won't wake up till just when he is hungry, then he'll scream the house down lol.
Just gave Damien his first bottle of WySoy......No vomiting and settled after 45 minutes in his travel cot!

Seems like we may have hit the problem!! :D
i'll keep everything crossed for you all night :D :D :D :D - get someone else to do the next nappy, it's not nice :wink:

We've used gaviscon today - doesn't seem to do a right lot except make his sick sticky :shock:

Gaviscon makes Damien's sick gloopy sometimes, and yes sticky. Yuk.

Second bottle went well too, Had alot of trapped wind and only a tiny dribble of sick. He is still making uncomfortable noises afterwards, but he is so much improved.

Tracey - you're a godsend!!
Tracey, do you notice your LO's were more difficult to bring their wind up? Damien has been a bit of a bugger, he'll fall fast asleep and I'll think it;s all up, I'll lay him, down - he'll be fine for 10-20minutes, then he'll moan, I'll pick him up and he'll do a massive belch!

Also - his poo was quite hard yesterday - is that Soya related?

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