Reduced movement- when do you start worrying? Update pg 2


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2009
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Pip has been fairy active for a few weeks now, but over the last few days has been a lot quieter, I put this down to not feeling cracking. I almost always, infact always get a lot of movement as I go to bed, but last night there was nothing, as I had had a few hefty kicks in the day and got a bit of rumbling (which could have esily been wind) I tried to sleep on it but had rather a few more loo stops than usual... and at 2am got a bit of movement, the dh managed to catch aswell which put his mind at rest, but I was ready to phone delivery suite... I have had a bit of movement again this morning... but when do I worry?
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I think the kind of 'rule' is if you don't feel anything for 24 hours-that's like no movement at all! I'm not 100% sure though! x
this is what i heard aswell, 24 hours with no movement atall. i really hope everything is ok but if you worry its no harm calling just to be sure and calm yourself.
24 hours!!!! I was going nuts after 4!!! I wouldn't like to live with me for the remaining 20!!
Pip is kicking now as I type, so think she is about to make up for the worrying mummy and daddy now :D
Its very easy to worry, I know that after bubs has been kicking the heck out of me and then goes quiet - sleeping I guess - that I start to worry, its natural I think. Glad you have had some movement now. Have you got a doppler? xx
I had this a few days ago and was nearly in tears, I actually did phone the delivery suit and speak to a midwife.
Her advice was to lay down in a quiet room for 30minutes and drink ice cold water if you do not feel anything then call them again. They really do not like freezing cold water, probably cause it wakes them up or something lol
Anyway it worked for me, she still wasnt very active but a day or two later she went back to her usual ways moving around like a washing machine and kicking around like a maniac lol

I'm not sure if it is at out stage or a bit further gone but I've been told you should feel your baby move at least 10 times in a day, whether that is slightly or very harshly.
Remember though if there are days when you are not so relaxed you might not actually feel your baby move but it doesnt mean that they havent.

I hope this info has helped and remember if it happens again just drink the freezing cold water and that should start your baby kicking again. All the best x
Its very easy to worry, I know that after bubs has been kicking the heck out of me and then goes quiet - sleeping I guess - that I start to worry, its natural I think. Glad you have had some movement now. Have you got a doppler? xx

doppler went about 6 weeks back after I paniced when I couldn't hear anything

I had this a few days ago and was nearly in tears, I actually did phone the delivery suit and speak to a midwife.
Her advice was to lay down in a quiet room for 30minutes and drink ice cold water if you do not feel anything then call them again. They really do not like freezing cold water, probably cause it wakes them up or something lol
Anyway it worked for me, she still wasnt very active but a day or two later she went back to her usual ways moving around like a washing machine and kicking around like a maniac lol

I'm not sure if it is at out stage or a bit further gone but I've been told you should feel your baby move at least 10 times in a day, whether that is slightly or very harshly.
Remember though if there are days when you are not so relaxed you might not actually feel your baby move but it doesnt mean that they havent.

I hope this info has helped and remember if it happens again just drink the freezing cold water and that should start your baby kicking again. All the best x

I think that is why I freaked a little as yesterday we spent the day just pottering and I really didn't feel much, yet some days when I am busy at work she makes herself known... I had a glass of cold water at 2 which must have started her off a bit....

Thanks everyone for your replies... I guess this is where having a regular MW comes in handy...
I had three days of very little movement a few weeks back and was a mess. It started on the sunday morning, and my monday lunchtime i was really upset, i'd tried all sorts. I thought i'd felt little movements but didn't know if it was just wishful thinking, I also could hear his heartbeat on the doppler and it was normal, still worried though. Rang MW, she said should have told someone the day before and gave me the number for the lgi, they got me straight in and did a scan - he was fine, just laying funny with his legs and arms inwards, and then he turned back around after another day or so. Glad Pip is kicking now, its a very scary thing x
the day unit at the LGI are good Katiejane, that's the other thing, why do things that worry you always happen on a weekend when no one is about... well very few people anyway!! xx
Glad to hear you are starting to feel movement again. :)

I had a right panick yesterday as i realised i hadn't felt Ava move for around 2 days but then i had to think hard if i had felt it and just hadn't clicked as im used to it now. Still worried me though, mum had to have a little play with my tummy which soon got a hefty kick from her.
I'm still worried but i think its more because im a bit of a drama queen most days anyway. :lol:

Glad everything seems to be ok now though!! :) xx
she doesn't seem to respond to prodding yet... a bath almost always gets her moving.... (that was my plan for 3am theis morning!!)
Thanks girls :flower:
Lol, yeah these things always do happen on a weekend, would be much easier in the week x
I dont think you're supposed to count kicks etc till about 28-30 wks just because they can be moving still be with them being so tiny at your stage, they can get in to positions where you cant feel them.

I mentioned this at about 26 wks when I was being seen for abdo pains and they wouldnt even monitor me at the hospital. :(
it wasn't so much kicks, as in all movement had gone with positions I can usually feel her in MM, but I guess that is what prompted my question as I know you don't monitor kicks until a certain point... so when do you worry if your not counting kicks? 24 hours seems reasonable I guess, but still seems an awful long time to not feel anything when you have had definate movement for x number of weeks...
well, saw MW and said about the lack of movement last weekend, and she said it was the 10 a day rule, it is just as you get bigger the movements will alter from thumps to shifts... I did query it being so early, but she did not hesitate in her answer.... :D so know we know :)
Glad all is ok :) I got myself in a panic a few weeks back and toddled over to the hospital as i'd not felt anything for 4-5 days. MW said baby's HB was fine and that as i've an anterior placenta I might get periods of not feeling much. Sonographer didn't explain this when they found my placenta at scan. x

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