Baby Movement


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2012
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Hello Ladies (again) :)

I didnt change my ticker but im 17 weeks today as i was put 6 days forward at my 1st scan but will wait until the 2nd scan to change!

Any way i havnt felt any movement yet at all! I felt little twinges a few weeks back but nothing unusual and im a bit worried as alot of you on here seem to feel from 15 weeks and at 19 weeks are feeling full kicks!

Ne one else not feel movement at 17 weeks?? Im worried now

Don't worry! 17weeks is really early! Everyone is different. My movements never got really strong till about 22weeks. There's alot of room in there!xx
I did feel some movements at 14 weeks but this is my 6th pregnancy so would expect to feel it early on. 17 weeks isn't all that late alot of ladies feel nothing at all 'til 20 weeks plus especially with first time pregnancies so I would worry yourself just yet.xx
Please don't worry hun, I didn't really feel anything til 19/20 weeks and only now am getting proper movement. If you have an anterior placenta it can cushion movements until bubsy gets a bit bigger, I'm sure you'll start to feel more soon xxx
Hey hun, I am 20 weeks and I am still not sure if I have felt movement or not.... I have my scan on Thursday so maybe I have an anterior placenta. You will be fine hun 17 weeks is still pretty early for feeling movement if it's your first baby. x
I posted something very similar a few weeks ago!

I felt flutters from after 18 weeks and am now feeling some pretty strong (albeit sporadic and unidentifiable) movement.

It all depends on where your placenta is and first time Mum's tend to feel movements later.

Why have you not changed your dates hun? Your previous scan was the dating scan - they won't change you at the next one?

@ Carnat - I didnt realise that was the official dating scan! i was so worried that something was going to be wrong i didnt think about it tbh! I will attempt to change it lol!! Thanks

Thanks so much for the replies im worrying myself all the time, i tried that angel hearts doppler as well this morning and couldnt find a H/B. my sister told me when she leant it me you cant always find it but im a natural worrier lol!! Hopefully i will get some movement soon!! i want to enjoy my 20wk scan and not be scared again so hopefully movement soon :)
its so hard not to worry isn't it!! This is my 3rd baby and thought I'd be a pro by now but I think Im actually worse with this pregnancy then any of my others. I remember being about 16/17 weeks when I felt movement with my second son but I'm still waiting for this little one to start wriggling.
Like the other ladies have said, 17 weeks with your first is still quite early so try not to worry, (says me lol). We'll soon both be complaining about being kicked and punched all over the place lol xx
I didn't feel anything till 19 weeks Hun, try not to worry.

Now I spend my days getting battered!

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Try not to worry, I think I felt my first flutters today! Up until now though I've had absolutely nothing.. I got told last week I have an anterior placenta which cushions movement, you could well be the same or you may start to feel lo soon. Everyone is different so try to just enjoy it all :)
I am at 21 weeks tomorrow, and still not sure on movement!! Mine dont feel like flutters more like a tap iykwim?! I mainly feel it at night and really have to concentrate... xxx
Just wanted to add to what others have said - don't worry! I am 20 weeks on Fri and only now am getting the first "is it?" moments with movement. I have an anterior placenta though, so not worried at all :)

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