recent losses on pf


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2011
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I just want to write a new thread here as Hope, kanga and I all went through our mc at a similar time and have had a thread going ever since which has kept me going. But there has been so much heartbreaking activity on this part of the forum in the last week that maybe we could open up a new daily thread to keep everyone going. Abbyw, sunbeam, lynette, corrine, chilligirl, annie, k8, twinkles, frankie, babystar, babywestwood, mummytoo2b, I'm so so sorry for your losses and anyone else I missed. I hope you are doing Ok and know that we are all here and in this together, for now and as long as it takes to deal with what you/we are going through because from the way I feel I know that an mc stays with you forever and we'll never forget our lost LOs and that support from people that understand is invaluable, I couldn't be without it now.

Massive hugs girls, goodbye to our angels, who will never be forgotten and fingers crossed that we have happier outcomes in the future
:hug: :hug: :hug:
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I am truly stunned by all of the miscarriages we have had on here in the last few weeks. It's so heartbreaking.

My heart sinks everytime I open a thread on it.

I wish speedy recoveries both physical and emotional to everyone who has sadly suffered. x
Oh TORino, you too, big hugs! its really hit me how many people are suffering, mostly in silence with few people knowing what you are going through, your girls are all so amazingly strong xxx
Oh no, if I'm honest I find it sad and worrying and don't pop in here so often but whilst I'm here I want to say how sorry I am to all you ladies, I do hope you all feel better and are TTC again soon...:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

good idea, i hope the girls will all come to talk here, most of them unfortunately disappear and deal alone with the mc.

it really helped us talking about this every day...

torino are you getting that badge yet???
Oh TORino, you too, big hugs! its really hit me how many people are suffering, mostly in silence with few people knowing what you are going through, your girls are all so amazingly strong xxx

I had my MC in April. I wasn't trying for a baby and it was unplanned etc but I have been really affected by it. I never thought I would be, but I spent a long time thinking/wallowing afterwards.

I hope this time round (I am 10 + 2) I have a happy ending. I am that paranoid I daren't even put a ticker on or register on the roll call thread! Little things like seeing my name in the MC bit and removing my ticker I found really difficult.

I am gutted for everyone else who has had to suffer this.
absolutely Hope, girls if you read this please hang around if you need to, even just for a chat about your day, months on people are clearly still feeling the effects and their loss and more importantly have noone to share it with who understands or will listen to a rant, remember there will always be someone here who will!
fingers crossed for you TORino, really hope your ending is happier this time! I think I remember reading your comments just as I joined pf, never realising it would be me a few weeks later. xxxxx
Thanks dyscochick. I am hoping and praying that it's going to be ok, I will find out very soon but I have tried to console myself with the fact that I haven't had any signs that it has gone wrong (I had brown spotting last time) even though I know that is clutching at straws a bit. It is so difficult to be positive.
Thanks dyscochick for starting this thread,
originally i was thinking I am going to leave the forum and just not even think about PG stuff, but you all have been so supportive, will def post here if i need to. xxxxx
This is a lovely idea, its good to know there are people here to talk to whenever is needed, I dont really know many people who have been through a miscarriage, and def none that are going through it now like I am so u girls are so valuable, I know people try to understand but they really cant, I didnt realise the effects of mc has until now, lots of love to everyone xx
thank you for starting this thread - it's lovely how everyone is so supportive
I just wanted to send all you ladies massive :hugs: and say that I am thinking of you all.
Back in Oct/Nov the same thing happened to quite a few pf ladies and i can honestly say i dont know how I would of got through it without the support of all my friends on pf they were amazing. It is heartbreaking, you will never forget your little angels but i can say it does get easier :hugs::hugs::hugs: x x

such a heartbreaking and horrific thing for anyone to go through. i had mine in march, i was ignorant in thinking it was something that happened to other people and didnt even give it a second thought. so when it did happen it was like being stabbed. i can honestly say loosing my baby was the worst thing that has ever happened to me and ripped my world apart. i suffered with depression after and couldnt understand why it had to happened to me. every month still counting what stage i would be. how big i would be by then.

time did help.

now i am pregnant again i am doing everything i can to try and secure this baby and its my worst fear loosing it again. im so early on in my pregnancy time seems so slow. its like playing a sick waiting game, or thats how it feels anyway.

my heart and love goes out to all the girls who have recently been through this!


Make a pregnancy ticker

My little angel 20/3/11 :angel2:
i wanted to say how sorry i am to everyone, i dont post in here as i know i have no real reason to but to offer hugs and support to everyone, its all womens worst fear when pg and a terrible thing to happen, im glad there are so many ppl here to support each other and offer advice and sympathy to my friends who are going thru this now. the voice of experience is always more soothing than an im sorry from a well meaning friend who hasnt gone thru it.:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi hon,

I too am surprised at quite how many MC there have been over the past 2 months - 2 of which have been mine. I have to say I'm ok actually - just looking forward to having a clearout of some description, although have to wait 2 weeks for that unless it passes naturally and then we can try again :) I have to say that having Ella has helped enormously - I just don't feel that sense of deep loss that I hear others describe as if I never have another baby, I will always be grateful for her.

Lots of love to any ladies struggling with their losses.
I am so sad reading about all the recent mc. its so sad! my heart goes out to every one of you :( <3
Dyso-thanks you for posting this thread :) I was taking a break from PF but in the last week ladies in tri 1 mc'd and it's made me compelled to come back...big hugs to all!

I have had a chat with the OH and basically due to my work commitments ttc has to be on hold till at least Xmas but My cycles were 102 days apart so I am hoping to god after I mcd they regulate now or I will be selling my house to pay for treatment!! I read an earlier thread about getting a pet to look after, I have a dog and when I was poorly she never left my side :) but I have joined a gym, started dancing all to keep my mind off the fact we have to put ttc on hold so far it's really helped my frame of mind stay positive. Xxxxxx
None of my close friends have mc'd so it was all new to me, I couldn't have coped without pf. And now I can cope and want to look forward. I guess for many of us we have mc'd before, or been told at, our 12 week scans, so many people don't even know about the pregnancy, let alone the mc. The main reason why we haven't shared it.
I never believed how many girls MC'd until mine happened back in January. A friend recommended PF to me during my time of limbo when I was waiting for 2nd scan to confirm the worst. Being on here and chatting to those going through the same situation as myself helped enormously. Even my DH commented to one of his work colleagues that I had the support of an internet forum that really helped realise that I wasn't the only one going through the loss of a baby.

It does get easier but even 9 months later there are time when it still hurts enormously. I know that I nor any of us will ever forget our little angels. xx

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