Really uncomfortable


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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Keep getting BH's and they r so uncomfortable :(

Hadn't had any up until Monday/Tuesday and now I'm getting them 5 or 6 times a day! Hope they push Pip down and he engages so I know they r doin something.

Bit of a whinge ladies, I'm sorry!
Aww I know what you mean chick, they are not the most comfortable feeling are they.

Not at all. Can't believe I was wishing for them last week! Don't want them anymore lol! I've had about 3 in the space of 20 mins this evening.
I had them pretty bad last night, I ended up unable to move from the spot until they eased off! I thought I was going into labour!
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oh no is it painfull? or just very uncomfey?
hope they ease up a bit during the night hunx
It's just uncomfortable - especially when Pip is pushing down on my hip as it happens.
im half curious to get some proper BH so i know what theyre like and half not wanting anything to make me more uncomfy. i feel for ya hun x
I think I'm getting BH's but mine aren't painful and just make my bump go hard. I'm guessing that is BH's.
Sorry to hear they are making you very uncomfortable though xx
I seem to get them pretty regular whenever I lay down the past day or 2. Its such a tease! Don't wanna sooth them too much in case they're the real thing.

Hope its doing something good for u but bubba needs to stay in for another week or 2 so u can do my labour thread lol xx

* tapatalking from my bb *
Awww sorry hon. They are poopy but at least it shows everything is working and getting ready! xxxxx
It's just uncomfortable - especially when Pip is pushing down on my hip as it happens.

My lil man is also banging away on my hip bone when these happen it is really really uncomfortable, actually makes me wince

I end up saying to my stomach " i cant move anywhere to make it better!" xx
Seem to have eased up now.

Hoping today isn't as crampy as yesterday! Lol!
Aw I hope u are a wee bit better today!
Just remember its just our bodies getting ready for the big event and pretty soon u will have your baby in your arms Wohoo!!!!! X

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